Is Jarl Khavel trying to get us to defect?

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I sided with the Swadians with Count Khavel as Marshall.He was doing a hell of a good job too,but then That idiot King Haurlus accuses him of treason and Khavel defects to the Nords.Here where it gets weird,Jarl Khavel is calling on us to start a new campaign and the nobles of my faction are trying to accompany him.Is this going to resolve itself? or is this a bug?It's getting annoying because the swadians nobles  just sit by Tehlrog castle waiting on Jarl Khavel who by the way we are at war with,while on the other end of kingdom we are getting arse raped by the kerhgits
didn't say they were winning,just keeps looting our villages to be more precise...costing me mucha denars!
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