Is it worth it to learn a new language?

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Is it worth it to learn a new language? And what is the best way to learn a new language online and for free if that is possible because physically moving to a certain place to learn something is a big turn off especially if its just a language you probably won't need but still may need at some time...
Learn a language if you are going to use or practice it regularly. Otherwise, don't bother.
Gambino said:
Is it worth it to learn a new language? And what is the best way to learn a new language online and for free if that is possible because physically moving to a certain place to learn something is a big turn off especially if its just a language you probably won't need but still may need at some time...

In fact, almost all knowledge is completely useless and pointless. When are you going to need history? Or mathematics? Or anything? Universities and high schools are a waste of time and money. Everything that requires work and dedication is pointless. If it is hard and difficult, why bother? In fact, you should not do anything that requires any amount of effort at all.
You can learn Esperanto pretty fast from what I understand.
Esperanto is a mix of every European language.
We have a small Esperanto club in the city of 70,000 inhabitants where I live. I think the main appeal of Esperanto is the fun of meeting other people who know Esperanto. And you will have to seek them out, because the odds aren't in your favour.

OP: Go for it.
Reverend L. Lamb said:
Aye, only way to learn is to regulary speak it, preferably with native speakers.

Not the only way. I learned English by listening to educational cassettes when I was a small kid and then memorized a dictionary in order to read Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings (there was no Turkish translation back in the day).
A language yes. Any random language no. E.g. learning Gaelic is a waste of time unless you're find their culture (i.e. unnatural paleness, terrible weather, eating multiple layers of different innards, poverty and alcoholism; thought to be fair, at least 3 out of the 5 can be used to describe virtually any part of the British Isles) super interesting in itself. Your time has an opportunity cost. Don't spend it on something you won't use and/or don't like.
TheFlyingFishy said:
I use Duolingo when I'm bored and want to pick up basics on another language.

Duolingo was rather fun when I last gave it a go. I almost want to try to learn Spanish with it so I can communicate with half of my teammates in Dota 2. The other half speak Portuguese, so there's no hope for them. :razz:
Reverend L. Lamb said:
Aye, only way to learn is to regulary speak it, preferably with native speakers.
That's exactly how I didn't learn English. :razz:
And now he knows it well.

Languages r good. I'd learn more if I had people to practice it with. My French has fallen into shambles from disuse.
TheFlyingFishy said:
I use Duolingo when I'm bored and want to pick up basics on another language.
Memrise can be useful for vocabulary too. I've been foraying a little bit into Danespeak and watching Borg(/k)en for that helps a bit as well. :razz:
I only know one language but I'm not very good at using it yet. This means I won't have enough time to learn how to use a second language poorly.
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