Is it possible to make a peace offer

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yeah when i have taken lands from Kingdom of Rhodoks and they hate me and have many times attacked my villages, castles and towns and this is starting to annoy me when i have something else to do than defend my estates! So is it possible to send THEM a peace offer rather than waiting for their offer of peace.
If you are alone it is not possible as far as I know, but if you are vassal of a kingdom then you can get a peace quest from your kingdoms cities and do it. However, this involves speaking with a lord that your are at war so bring formidable force behind you since he will probably fight with you.
I am the lord of my own faction Khergit Khanate Rebels (i have defeated Khergit Khanate and taken rhodoks as my new enemies, or should i say they have taken me as their new enemy) and when i try to speak to their king he says something like "ur owning land illegally without a master so any king of Calradia would'nt accept peace with u".
So beat them senseless untill they beg for mercy then make them your personal sex slave... :lol:

Just kidding just keep beating them up like a bully and taking their castles or towns untill they want peace.
sparkyninja2 said:
Just kidding just keep beating them up like a bully and taking their castles or towns untill they want peace.

I am some what in same stuation, I took a vaegir castle myself then conquered another one. After some furious battles I lost one of them and Vaegirs immediately offered pace. I rejected it since my plan was enlarging my little kingdom.  I quess the relation was about -60. Now realtion is -100, and I own Khudan, Rivacheg, Reyvadin, Tilbaut, Yruma and Nelag. So is it possible to receive a peace offer soon ?

I want to peace with Vaegirs since Khergits just started a war with me  :neutral:
Here, I just found a tweak that enables to have peace with a faction even it you are rebel.  :wink:,46290.msg1329607.html#msg1329607
Yeah thanks but I accidentally messed up when i tried to change it back and now something in the game is wronged. Please could someone send me the original conversation.txt file via filefront or email (my email is [email protected]). Please!
No no correction, its not about conversation.txt. I found my backup copy and now i have put the original conversation on its place but the game still gives me an error: "unable to load scene objects, scn_conversation_scene" What is my problem? Help!
There is no peace in this game, only war and less war. But if you had to, find the guild master quest, at least you can make a few thousand denars in doing so.
screw the peace i want to make war offer :twisted:

but some kind of control over war and peace would be nice, or just make them change more frequently
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