Is everyone from the phillipines or something?

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Why is everyone the same exact height? Its like when your in Manila... when your from the U.S.A. Everyone is all the same hieght... maybe i'm just dumb and missing something?
Because it is simpler in terms of game design?

Why is every race the same height in Oblivion? That's a big budget game. Because it's easier.
Well since mb uses skeletons for people, can't that just have different scale factors (x,y,z)? I think it'd be pretty easy.. maybe not?
in Oblivion aren't the races slightly different sizes? ie. compare a Bosmer and a Altmer, I'm fair sure they're different sizes. They were in Morrowind anyway...
There is no diversity within the race, all bosmer has the same height, there is no taller or bulkier bosmer.

They are all "clones", only the faces are different.
Kayne said:
Why is everyone the same exact height? Its like when your in Manila... when your from the U.S.A. Everyone is all the same hieght... maybe i'm just dumb and missing something?

If players could choose their height and NPC heights were randomized or predetermined, it would completely change the hit detection; larger units would gain slightly more reach and become larger arrowfodder, and smaller units would become the opposite.

Of course, then all clothing/armour would have to be made re-sizable or something so it fits the model. Horses would, as well. And, of course, the slight increase/decrease in size would make the character take up more/less size, thus making pathfinding much more complex.

The natural next step is to customize the stats of each model so larger characters have a little more health and move speed, while shorter ones have the opposite.

Changing character sizes changes the game entirely.
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