Invisible Horses

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Why is it that when enemies are knocked ff their horses, only rarely the horse can be used, because all the other times it fades a but and can't be used?
They fade out, because if they stayed the map would eventually be full of horses. If you knock a rider off his horse, it will stay around longer than if one of your troops knocks the rider off.
They don't fade if you need a horse. (Well, sometimes they still fade...but generally, whenever my horse has been killed out from beneath me, newly-vacated horses remain solid long enough for me to amour-shuffle over to mount them.)
They frequently still do. Extremely frustrating to armour shuffle over and just see it disappear right in front of you. Or be knocked down by enemy rider and then get up to see the mount gone.

I wish the horses stay longer or slowly wander to the edge of the map instead of becoming invisible, making you crash into them when mounted and disappearing when you are dismounted and need it.
I understand - and I think Armagan's already answered this question earlier anyway - why the horses disappear in order to avoid battlefield clutter, save processor computing and increase framerates. It's very similar to how enemy dead in other action games tend to fade away.

Agree that it would be useful at times to keep the horses around longer. However, I must admit that it's extremely rare now for me to actually lose my horse and even when I'm starting a new character and his mount is killed, I've generally been able to kill an enemy horseman and take his ride.

Great to have the horses (if it didn't affect framerates for those with older machines) but it's working out fairly well now, IMO, though if things change and riderless horses abound - I wouldn't object.
Must say I admire your skills then. I still lose my horse at a certain frequency.

I tend to play as an armoured knight who disdains missile weapons. However, in closing with HAs, I invaraibly get an arrow or two stuck in my horse. 2-4 arrows later and I lose my mount. Seems almost inevitable sometimes in larger battles against something like the khergit horde in Mag 7.

Even with 6 athletics, armour shuffling is far from enjoyable and I too often get near a horse only to see it fade. I personally think the transparency effect would eat up some system resources, doesn't it? Why not just keep it around?
This is pretty much what the system is like i "think"

1. If you kill someone mounted , on foot their horse Will-not fade (straight away)

2. If you are mounted , any rider's you kill , their horses will fade , regardless if you killed them or not.
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