Inventory Management?

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Could someone explain to me exactly what this inventory management skill does? I've tried searching for it on the forums, but I didn't come up with anything.... Does it deal with encumbrance, or some other factor that I am not thinking of?
the more points you spend in Inventory management the more slots you get to carry loot!

edit: damn, foiled again! :wink:
someone correct me if im thinking of the wong skill but doesnt inventory management make your inventory bigger?

-=EDIT=- LOL 3 of us at the same time >_<
Oh that makes sense... I guess I should have tried it out on my own, but even knowing that I'll probably never use it... not having enough inventory slots never seems to be a problem for me, especially since I never play the trading game.
It will become important when you are carrying around 12 saddle horses for a count, have 7 bags of spice to deliver to veluca, and have just defeated a war party with some amazingly expensive loot.

For all my characters, i put at least 2 points into inventory management.
Ingolifs said:
It will become important when you are carrying around 12 saddle horses for a count, have 7 bags of spice to deliver to veluca, and have just defeated a war party with some amazingly expensive loot.

For all my characters, i put at least 2 points into inventory management.

Hey whatever works for you... but I've done all of those quests, but generally I try to do just 1 at a time... so space isnt really a problem. It can be hard to lug around 9 hunters for that damn lazy count though :smile:
You'd better have at least 2-4 points into it unless you want to be going back to town after every single battle to sell stuff. Unless you have a large party and get less loot...or just don't care about loot to begin with of course.
lugging so much loot around really slows me down though. I tend to keep the heavy and thus expensive loot after a fight. about a third of the time the dang hordes of dark riders or khergits chase me down. of course i could dump the loot and head for cover... but i am greedy that way...

squirrels hoard. :smile:
Well there are plenty of towns, so yes I DO tend to sell after every battle... also you mostly find only a few items of real value, so the rest can be exchanged for better loot after each battle. By the time I start getting into the really big battles with large amounts of quality loot I find that I am already filthy rich already, with little need for more gold. I would argue that Inventory management is a non-essential, and since the focus of the game is on combat it is a better idea to use however many points you use (waste?) on this skill in other fields. I just don't feel the need to carry much useless gear with me, and don't mind taking the extra time to do one quest at a time and sell loot ASAP.
Mage246 said:
Well there are plenty of towns, so yes I DO tend to sell after every battle... also you mostly find only a few items of real value, so the rest can be exchanged for better loot after each battle. By the time I start getting into the really big battles with large amounts of quality loot I find that I am already filthy rich already, with little need for more gold. I would argue that Inventory management is a non-essential, and since the focus of the game is on combat it is a better idea to use however many points you use (waste?) on this skill in other fields. I just don't feel the need to carry much useless gear with me, and don't mind taking the extra time to do one quest at a time and sell loot ASAP.

Are you crazy? I can't live without it, having... 9 ? 12? slots is way too little for me o_O
Does having xtra horses give more inventory slots? I thought I had read that somewhere on these forums, but it doesnt seem to work for me.
yes its kind of weird. I mean you see an army of Knights, peasants, footmen and three seperate guys, horses around... And of all, only a single guy carries stuff. And you know what? he is their leader. Well, with great raid comes great burden eh?
I personally find an inventory management skill of 2-3 to be essential. Otherwise, doing armor, weapons, and horses missions all at the same time as well as fighting nonstop to generate loot is impossible.
You say "impossible" too easily. Perhaps you are just a bit lazier than I am, or perhaps you are a bit too obsessive when it comes to selling ALL of the loot of a battle. One decent piece of weaponry is often worth 5 other pieces of loot.
I would agree there. I never spend any points on inventroy management. To me its a waste. Nothing gets in my 'loot bag' unless its worth at least 1500, no matter what satge of the game I'm at.
Gilrain said:
I would agree there. I never spend any points on inventroy management. To me its a waste. Nothing gets in my 'loot bag' unless its worth at least 1500, no matter what satge of the game I'm at.
You sure about that? I mean those 50 gold are pretty good to get early in the game.

In any case, I find that I march around with almost three rows of stuff. Food, extra horses and spare equipment (extra bolts/arrows), add to that a mission of 12 something and it suddenly becoems rather tough to do it without some points in inventory (I'm currently fighting a 12 charger mission... GAH!!!).
Yep, I'm positive. I tend to go looking for bigger groups at the beginning, ignoring river pirates, as you tend to get a bit more choice. I spend a lot of time practicing my fighting ability though in the arena before hand.
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