SP - General Internal politics

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At the moment there are no real internal politics that matter. There are some numbers that can be modified with laws and then there are relations, which only matter, when there is a vote and that voting system in itself has alot of problems.
The laws have interesting sounding names and their little text desciption imply great changes, but in the end they don't do anything other than make one number higher and another lower, which is boring. Laws should, as the texts imply, have real consequences for how a realm is governed. If popular vote is enabled, shouldn't that totally change powerstructures within a kingdom, rather than just boosting some numbers?
What is also curious, there is no conflict within kingdoms right now, even though this is supposed to be an early feudal setting. Why can't i go to war with a fellow vassal of my own kingdom? Why do relationships not matter much aside from the voting? Why aren't there blood feuds with assasinations or other hostile actions as a consequence?

So my suggestion is as follows:
Flesh out the feudal system, this means a clear hieracrhy of vassalage.
War between fellow vassals.
If a vassal declares war on foreign relams it shouldn't be total war between the 2 kingdoms, it could be war between only those vassals and maybe both could turn to their lieges for help and incase of a defensive position your liege might be more willing to aid you than if you were the attacker.
Overwork the law system, it should blend together with the other system and not just be some added numbers. There could even be sub-laws in the domains of vassals and they could be culture specific too.
I agree with this. Keen on any improvement to the system giving clans and factions character and polices some real impact and implications beyond a few numerical bonus.

Would be good to know why a war was started, why peace was declared, why a clan supports policy X and opposes policy Y.

Copying something I posted on another thread on 'minor factions as mercenaries' below.

Could add "War between vassals tolerated", "War between vassals forbidden" "War between vassals forbidden when Kingdom is at war with another Kingdom" as new Kingdom level polices.

"Actually the minor factions, kingdoms, and kingdom clans all need fleshing out more and given more character. I would like to see grudges, rivalries, policy preferences and agendas for each clan and minor factions displayed more clearly in the encyclopedia. Whether a minor faction joins or is at peace with a kingdom could be linked to the kingdom’s current policies. The implementing the more peasant/citizen rights polices could then the a key factor in being able to recruit some of the minor ‘rebel’ factions with a peasant/citizen rights background e.g. “Brotherhood of the Woods”.

More policies, more interesting policies, and policies with greater impact would be good. ‘Tolerance for criminal organizations’ or ‘Hiring of mercenaries allowed’, 'Allow peace-time raiding (privateering)' or ‘Ruler decided by election’ could be Kingdom level polices with major and interesting implications.

Currently the factions, clans, companions, and policies are largely bland and interchangeable. Hopefully it is currently just the bare-bones skeleton
where the flesh, character and depth will get added later."
fief and property allocation is also a total joke. you can conquer the whole map by yourself and it will still be the same 3 lords who get placed on the ballot for those cities and villages. it totally discourages you from even making an effort
fief and property allocation is also a total joke. you can conquer the whole map by yourself and it will still be the same 3 lords who get placed on the ballot for those cities and villages. it totally discourages you from even making an effort

hahaha ye i stopped giving a **** about it after i conquered a few dozen fiefs, had good relatiosn with everyone in the kingdom and still weren't on the list for votes. I then thought i could turn it around with intruige, by initiating fief changes, again not on the list.... what a joke.
And then i even started asking myself the question, why would i even want a fief? After all there is nothing to do with it other than to push up everything to rank 3. It is just another passive moneyprinter like workshops and caravans, which are also totally boring. You just create them and have no real influence how they operate from then on out.
So my suggestion is as follows:
Flesh out the feudal system, this means a clear hieracrhy of vassalage.
War between fellow vassals.
If a vassal declares war on foreign relams it shouldn't be total war between the 2 kingdoms, it could be war between only those vassals and maybe both could turn to their lieges for help and incase of a defensive position your liege might be more willing to aid you than if you were the attacker.
Overwork the law system, it should blend together with the other system and not just be some added numbers. There could even be sub-laws in the domains of vassals and they could be culture specific too.

Also faction within kingdoms, we have clans, we have character traits, we have relationships, now add factions, which can bbe used for various things:

1. They would make it easier for the player to get an overview of interests of other clans/persons.
2. They could serve as another parameter for the AI to get its priorities straight and make their decisions a little more consistent
3. They could be a source of internal strife within a kingdom
What is also curious, there is no conflict within kingdoms right now, even though this is supposed to be an early feudal setting. Why can't i go to war with a fellow vassal of my own kingdom? Why do relationships not matter much aside from the voting? Why aren't there blood feuds with assasinations or other hostile actions as a consequence?

I completely agree with this 100%.
Even made a few suggestions on top of it myself on a 3 Relations System and the possibility of a clan strife besides all out kingdom war.
totally agree.
vassal war is much better than the current total war system.

1) gives much clear vision on how war startes and how it endes.
2) gives vassal souls. their character matters. For example a bellicose vassal is more likely to start a conflic with his foreign neighbour than a timid vassal. Strategically, if you dont want war with your neighbour, you might want to send a timid vassal to the border.
3) relation with vassals matter. For example if you had bad relation with most vassals in you kindom, you might expect few vassal come to help you when foreign vassal declare war to you.
4) Stop the snowballing
5) better immersive experience.
I super agree with you. It would also be interesting when you are a vassal and a law sudendly changes and you have to adapt.
ive heard that the game its intended to make the player slowly progress, and stay in the firsts stages of the game a long time, but with the political system focused only on the top-ranked lords make this a long farming experience untill you have your own kingdom. As a lord with a settlement, its more similar to the multi-billionare experience than a feudal one, where you´re suppose to deal with hard matters in your lands, and your own vassals/serfs. The middle stages of the game should make the player to take desicions about his territories politically, and make a new way to amass wealth. I know this game its about fighting, but i think it could be more than a constant war conflict. Having a causus belli for attacking its very important to give a sense to war that its indispensable.

1- The companions could perform other tasks as agents, for spying territories, fabricating territorial claims, sabotage armies, become mayors leading his own levy, gang leaders that can support you in battles etc...
2- Attending feud/realm matters, quests generated about conflicts in/between settlements, that could turn in a bigger conflict.
3- A system of a small council, increasing councillors with your rank, they can be assigned to lords or companions, giving bonuses depending on their skills.
4- feudal tree, mayors/elders should be a part of this chain, and make them no-noble characters, that depending on their origin they can form a new clan and eventually get married and, etc... Maybe the character has te option at early game stages to serve as a commoner.

i think the system of companions its very adaptable, and in his early access its a very good game with lots of potential. Maybe that the devs already thougt about this kind of things, and i hope this game reaches the expectations of all players someday. I dont wanna see modders getting things working once again...
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