interesting tactic - skirmishing characters

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Im not sure if everyone knows this yet but i just worked it out.

I almost always use the 'hold' order and fight alone at first. If i get into trouble i call in my men. Reason for this is because im trying to get an all knight army (im sure im not the only one).

Now of course we all know your characters cant die in batttle (they only get wounded) If you give them a javlin each then they ignore the hold position order and start skirmishing with the enemy anyway. This is nice as you get some limited backup while the rest of your army waits in reserve. It only seems to work if they have throwing weapons and no other ranged weapon. They run foward as if they had charge order.
Once I gave Marnid 2 sets of javelins, a sword and a shield.
Ignoring orders, he ran off into battle, throwing his javelin seven times and missing with every throw.
He then stops his horse and sits in the middle of the field doing nothing.
A river pirate slowly walks up to him but he doesn't move.
Marnid just sits there as the pirate slowly clubs his horse to death. Marnid is thrown from his horse and then stands up and does nothing!
The pirate hits him at least ten times with his club before Marnid falls over.

Don't give henchmen throwing weapons, they are too stupid to use thm.
It happened to me too. Manid didn't move because he can't use his sword (I think his ability is low).[/code]
I play Mag7 with the berserker team (all on foot) and except for the bowman and crossbowman, all other party members are armed with throwing axes and jarids. They perform quite well: they throw their things at foes 1000 meters away and miss and they keep aiming at foes while dark knights charge instead of throwing and usually sit like ducks while archer/xbowmen pepper them with arrows to their death.

Well, maybe they do not perform *so much* well after all, but who cares...
One of my character has a group of Skermishers (Vaegir Skermishers and Swadian Skermishers etc). It's useful sometime (when they're spaced enough to use their weapons).

And definitely great to see them firing against Swadian crossbowmen
That's unusual. I'm playing the Berserker Mod too, and I have three heroes using throwing weapons. They OWN.
Mad Lugh, Thorgrim and Angus routinely bullseye cavalry with throwing axes and jarid.

As for the "standing 100 meters away and getting pepperd to death" part, you just have to learn how to handle your heroes. They work differently than other units.
I have seen heroes stand still when in inminent danger but that is rare. Most of the time they try to earn their pay and eventually become very good harrasing the enemy. Oh, btw I play knights version of Mag 7.
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