Insult for Muslims about Islam

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First of all Hello, i don't know this is right place for this topic but i need to open this topic. Yesterday we have a match UK3 vs TR2 i can't play this match because of i have electrical issues. My friend sent me the video and i was watching this video i realize this shameful conversation:

If it doesn't open in right place; 31:28.

Look at those 2 guys: UK_Hursty and UK_Mandingo. They figuratively insulting for islam and muslims. They don't even know the truth when they're kidding and they're talking through hearsay information. Nobody wedding to 7 or 9 years old girl. You pathetic guy. Especially goat talking?

I want these two pathetic man to be punished. I'm telling him to whoever's in charge. For all Muslims. Have a nice day.
Deneme said:
First of all Hello, i don't know this is right place for this topic but i need to open this topic. Yesterday we have a match UK3 vs TR2 i can't play this match because of i have electrical issues. My friend sent me the video and i was watching this video i realize this shameful conversation:

If it doesn't open in right place; 31:28.

Look at those 2 guys: UK_Hursty and UK_Mandingo. They figuratively insulting for islam and muslims. They don't even know the truth when they're kidding and they're talking through hearsay information. Nobody wedding to 7 or 9 years old girl. You pathetic guy. Especially goat talking?

I want these two pathetic man to be punished. I'm telling him to whoever's in charge. For all Muslims. Have a nice day.
+1 I want these two pathetic man to be punished...
Rayden_ said:
böyle tipleri görmezden gelin gitsin ya :d
“Bir kötülük gördüğünüz zaman elle düzeltin. Buna gücü yetmezse dilinizle düzeltmeye çalışsın. Buna da gücü yetmezse kalben buğzedin. Bu ise imanın en zayıf derecesidir.”(Müslim, İman 78; Ebu Davut, Salat, 232)
Allah Teâlâ, Hazret-i Musa’ya sordu:
- Ya Musa, benim için ne işledin?
- Ya Rabbi, senin için namaz kıldım, oruç tuttum, zekât verdim, zikrettim.
- Ya Musa, kıldığın namazlar, seni Cennete kavuşturacak yoldur, kulluk vazifendir. Oruçların, seni Cehennemden korur. Verdiğin zekâtlar, kıyamette, sana gölgelik olur. Zikirlerin de, o günün karanlığında, sana ışıktır. Bunların faydası sanadır. Benim için ne yaptın?
- Ya Rabbi, senin için ne yapmak gerekirdi?
- Sırf benim için dostlarımı sevip, düşmanlarıma düşmanlık ettin mi?
Musa aleyhisselam, Allah Teâlâ için yapılması gereken en kıymetli amelin, Hubb-i fillah ve Buğd-i fillah olduğunu anladı.

Biz elimizden geleni yapalım da gerisi elimizden gelmez zaten.
jeez get a backbone you get offended so easily by some jokes
i could understand if they blatantly insulted your religion (oppresive and sexist religion btw) but they just crackin a couple jokes
if they get punished for this itd be ridiculous
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