Resolved Insane party wages for companion's party

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Forwarding this issue to the QA team for further investigation. Thanks for reporting. In the meantime, can you share your save files? You can use a cloud service and post an open link on this thread.
Forwarding this issue to the QA team for further investigation. Thanks for reporting. In the meantime, can you share your save files? You can use a cloud service and post an open link on this thread.
Hi @elysebluemoon, I am sorry but the save game has been deleted due to economic reasons :sad:, I cannot recover from the economy downfall so I started a new save. For your information, I used mods that fix perks and tweak the game a little bit like community patch and bannerlord tweaks, but I never use any functions that impacted the economy, I also played Bannerlord since release, this is the first time I encounter these wages!
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