Ingolifs Castle

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Knight at Arms
Old Guard
From the Screenshots thread.


Had you saved that file once you finished it Ingo?

If you have what about putting it up on the web for download? Should be compatible right?

Looks awesome but I don't have the skill or the patience to make a castle for myself.
Also if there are any other people who have made castles and would like to host downloads post the link here.

You can use rapidshare:
And sheek, why on earth did you post that image directly? It was thumbnailed for a reason; it's huge.

I would but I don't know how to. I tried to just copy the url in that thread but it didn't work. If someone could edit my post to change it to a thumbnail feel free.
You can just quote the post and copy-paste the part with the thumbnail directly, nothing complicated. If you want to make your own, follow these instructions: in the center you've got a small version of the picture, in this case the code for it is


minus the periods in the brackets. It produces this:

You then add a link feature that takes you to the full version of the shot to the small picture by adding a hyperlink code. After that, it looks like this,


again minus the dots. Now we have a complete thumbnail:

However, with imageshack, you don't have to go through all this trouble, as you're supplied with a forum thumbnail code when you host the image.

The level edit thread is now open here.
I'm glad people like my castle.

The whole 'putting this thing on the web' idea is a problem because it means I have to do it. Any pointers on which file it is and where i can host such a file on the net?

Don't worry about it taking too long to make these little castles up. I did mine in two hours, tops, and i'm a slow worker.
Ingo, I dunno about the files, how about just hosting everything except for music and save files? :razz:

As for hosting, sheek already mentioned rapidshare, another one is savefile. Go ahead and put it up if you figure it out.
ok. I think I have it. No guarantees though.

The file is at
It's temporary, so you better download it within 14 days.

I'm not sure if it's the right file, but if it isn't everything should remain unchanged of your computer, because I haven't changed anything else.
Dude that rocks... That is truly awesome.. Keep it up.. that just adds to the feel.. its soo cool .. ok enough ranting ...well done
I´m pretty sure I´m doing something wrong, cause I saw that was a .sco file and I turned it to .rsf and copy-paste to commonres folder... sometimes the computer cracks away when the fight starts, others keep working, but never shows me a castle. :???:

Where do I hace to put the downloaded .sco file?
Hmm, it still doesnt work, I copy-paste the downloaded file into that folder (Mods/Native) and nothing, also tried in folder Mods/Native/SceneObj (creating that las one) and nothing again. I´ve noticed that it doesnt reaplaces anything due its file format (.sco) and name...

Do I have to get the editor installed in order to run this mod?
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