SP - General Influence over city and kingdoms

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An influence system, where you can ask people for favours like helping someone to escape prison or kidnapping/killing someone or giving away information. Perhaps even manipulating the defence at a siege( destroying arrows, poisining guards,) to make it easier to conquer a castle/ town.
In order to get this influence in this far away cities/ kigndoms you need connections and good relations. Sneaking a companion with a good rogue and/or charming skill could be an option too. Some people may wont want to work with you if you are not a powerfull man/woman or some would need a little bit intimating to force them, to work for you. Sometimes they could ask you for a favour too and sometimes they could betray you baiting you in a trap. It should be possible that you could get caught and have to suffer some negative aspects( i couldnt think of good Things but a little bit of teamwork and IMAGINATION could solve this)
The advancing of the rogue perk with this would be perfect.

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