Infantry forming a proper square?

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Heloo, I downloaded the last 3.0 version with the map fix and I have a great game as a Sayaznid lord. I was besieging a town when I had to form 5 ranks with my riflemen consisting mostly of light infantry. And they formed square! My jaw dropped  :eek: My question is what conditions I have to meet because I repeated the orders in a open filed battle and they formed the regular 5 ranks. Also, once I accidentally formed the square I couldn't move the soldiers. I tried charge, retreat, follow me but to no avail. When I was killed they automatically charged.

Here are some screenshots:





You can see the relevant order just after the 3 kills in the log.
Thanks a lot! Looks like I somehow pressed the button in the mess. I just tried the square vs cav and a 5 row formation vs the same amount of cav in custom battle. With the the 5 rows I had a great deal of routing units while with the square I had no problems.

I saw there is an option for AI to get volleys. Is there a key for the payer to do so as well? Do you have a list of tips and hot keys?That would be very helpful! If I didn't accidentally press the T key I would have never known there was a square formation in this mod. Thanks again!
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