Increasing Weapons Proficiency In Battle: What Are The Odds?

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I searched but didn't find quite what I was looking for but...

How are the chances calculated for battlefield performance increasing weapon proficiencies?

Increasing weapon proficiency during combat appears to be related to:
*Successful attack - seems mandatory here, I've not noticed any text saying I've increased my 1H weapon proficiency if I swing and miss.
*Current proficiency level - I've observed that as the hero becomes more skilled, the battlefield message "You've increased your xxx weapon skill" becomes less common.
*Degree of difficulty - appears more related to missile weapons in that a successful difficult hit is more likely to increase your proficiency level with that weapon, whereas melee weapons generally do hit 'cause you're very close to the enemy.
*Damage done - appears a bit more related to melee weapons in that I've never noticed an increase in proficiency after a meager 5 points damage delivered but I have seen it more than once for a 45 point message.

I'm curious because I've never allocated points to my XBow level yet it's now 200+ simply from using it in battle from time to time, whereas my 1H weapons level - my most common weapon of choice - I've increased with weapons master and proficiency points to only a slightly higher level

I can fight an entire battle, killing left and right, without gaining a single 1H weapons level experience point.

I'm wondering How are the odds calculated for increasing proficiency? Is it only every 300 swing or 300 successful damaging hit?

Just curious. Even a short non-formula reply would be appreciated. Thanks. Great game.
I know, I've been wondering this my self, because I've been using a bow for quite some time, without putting points into the skill, and now it's only 20 points lower than my 2H weapons, which is where I put almost all of my points...

How is it calculated?
Zeaph said:
dosent weapon master play into how high you can go with your weapon skills?
partly. you can advance a great deal beyond the "mastery level" by using a particular class of weapon succesfully. the mastery level allows you to directly improve your skill but doesn't stop your battlefield exploits from doing the same in a random manner.
I have a feeling that it isn't something random happening by chance. I suspect that once you do a certain amount of damage with a certain type of weapon, it 'levels up'. I think also with bows, the shot difficulty would act as a modifier to the damage done, enabling harder shots to make your bow 'level up' more quickly. This would probably explain why you never increase your weapon proficiency when stabbing for small amounts of damage.
That's not quite true, as if there is a levelling thing as you say, and once you reach so much damage it levels up, then it's entirely possible that a tiny amount of damage, say 1 point of damage, could level you up, as it would take you past the damage needed...
Well i kinda meant never in the way how it should be able to happen but no one ever sees it happen, kind of thing.

In which case i mean almost never.

By the way, during early parts of the game where a weapon proficiency is below 50, i've seen it where my proficiency increased +2 in one hit.
Number one modifier I believe is your weaponmastery skill. The more points you have in it the faster your weapon skills increase.

Im pretty sure Armagan said this somewhere.
Ingolifs said:
By the way, during early parts of the game where a weapon proficiency is below 50, i've seen it where my proficiency increased +2 in one hit.

And I'm sure higher is possible.
I think that gives strong evidence for weapon proficiencies being linked to damage. 85 damage along with 8.1 shot difficulty probably results in an equivalent 688.5 'weapon experience' which seems to be plenty to upgrade a weapon proficiency that low by such an amount.
I suspect it is tied to damage as well. I was 23rd level and using thrown weapons as main projectile. At that moment I decided to switch to Crossbow, which meant that after some shopping around I was sporting a sniper crossbow.

Now at level 26 Crossbow is my highest weapon skill, without ever putting a point in it. Weapon mastery is 4, and I get an increase in every battle, usually a couple of them.

It is weird when you make a very long shot against a mass of enemies, and you get a hit in the mass, a high difficulty and a skill increase.

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