I searched but didn't find quite what I was looking for but...
How are the chances calculated for battlefield performance increasing weapon proficiencies?
Increasing weapon proficiency during combat appears to be related to:
*Successful attack - seems mandatory here, I've not noticed any text saying I've increased my 1H weapon proficiency if I swing and miss.
*Current proficiency level - I've observed that as the hero becomes more skilled, the battlefield message "You've increased your xxx weapon skill" becomes less common.
*Degree of difficulty - appears more related to missile weapons in that a successful difficult hit is more likely to increase your proficiency level with that weapon, whereas melee weapons generally do hit 'cause you're very close to the enemy.
*Damage done - appears a bit more related to melee weapons in that I've never noticed an increase in proficiency after a meager 5 points damage delivered but I have seen it more than once for a 45 point message.
I'm curious because I've never allocated points to my XBow level yet it's now 200+ simply from using it in battle from time to time, whereas my 1H weapons level - my most common weapon of choice - I've increased with weapons master and proficiency points to only a slightly higher level
I can fight an entire battle, killing left and right, without gaining a single 1H weapons level experience point.
I'm wondering How are the odds calculated for increasing proficiency? Is it only every 300 swing or 300 successful damaging hit?
Just curious. Even a short non-formula reply would be appreciated. Thanks. Great game.
How are the chances calculated for battlefield performance increasing weapon proficiencies?
Increasing weapon proficiency during combat appears to be related to:
*Successful attack - seems mandatory here, I've not noticed any text saying I've increased my 1H weapon proficiency if I swing and miss.
*Current proficiency level - I've observed that as the hero becomes more skilled, the battlefield message "You've increased your xxx weapon skill" becomes less common.
*Degree of difficulty - appears more related to missile weapons in that a successful difficult hit is more likely to increase your proficiency level with that weapon, whereas melee weapons generally do hit 'cause you're very close to the enemy.
*Damage done - appears a bit more related to melee weapons in that I've never noticed an increase in proficiency after a meager 5 points damage delivered but I have seen it more than once for a 45 point message.
I'm curious because I've never allocated points to my XBow level yet it's now 200+ simply from using it in battle from time to time, whereas my 1H weapons level - my most common weapon of choice - I've increased with weapons master and proficiency points to only a slightly higher level
I can fight an entire battle, killing left and right, without gaining a single 1H weapons level experience point.
I'm wondering How are the odds calculated for increasing proficiency? Is it only every 300 swing or 300 successful damaging hit?
Just curious. Even a short non-formula reply would be appreciated. Thanks. Great game.