Increased complexity for attacks without the player

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I've searched through the FAQ and the other posts and tried some searches regarding this, but came up with nothing, so I'll post it.

It seems to me that whenever the player orders troops to charge ahead without him it doesn't take into account what units are on either side when determining the results of the battle.

From my experience it seems to be taking a random roll and choosing what units are casualties on both sides.

The best example of this I can find is vs river pirates.

My force is currently 38 strong and made up of predominantly of knights and marksmen.

Having just obliterated a band of river pirates 44 strong, I decided to use my +4 battle advantage to finish off the last two river pirates. To my dismay I ended up losing a knight and having two wounded. During that entire engagement with the other 42 pirates I did nothing. I was making a sandwich away from the computer while my knights and I sat atop a hill and watched my marksment rain pointy death on the pirates.

I assumed this was a bug at first, but the more I thought about it, and the more knights I lost in similar situations, the more I realized that it would have to have been coded in a much simpler fashion than I had originally been assuming.

This brings me to my suggestion: A more complex calculation system for non-player involved engagements.

From a generic coding standpoint I can't see it being terribly hard. Assign each NPC a number of "toughness" and then compare them to one another along with handful of smaller randomly generated numbers on either side to account for minor random events (like a group of horsemen taking down some knights) as well as the tactics skill of either side and then determine which units die with heavy emphasis on the less tough units of the forces. I.E. the peasants in a force will take far more heavy casualties than the knights of a force. Also, it should be noted that there should be a high probability of taking no casualties in a fight provided the other side is of a considerably lower "toughness" than your side. I don't like having to baby sit 37 battle hardened soldiers as they slaughter 14 river pirates.

This is obviously a very concept and I have neither played with the editor nor actually seen the coding, so I cannot speak with any degree of certainty, only from what I have seen and experienced.

Please forgive me if this has been posted before, I am relatively new.
I aggree, it´s quite funny how my group seem to have similar casualties when they are alone and fighting few bandits and when i´m with them and fight 100 men war party. I realise that the hero is probably doing the 50% of all the work on the battlefield but it sometimes feels little wierd when i´m letting my knights handle few bandits.

Yeah, I had a hired blade killed by a pair of mountain bandits once because I was lazy. (He obviously wasn't alone, my guys must have outnumbered the at least 10 to 1).

Smarter AI would let you play a less combat-oriented character as well, if you really do get your kicks from travelling around trading spice. Takes all sorts..
Roach said:
Yeah, I had a hired blade killed by a pair of mountain bandits once because I was lazy. (He obviously wasn't alone, my guys must have outnumbered the at least 10 to 1).

Smarter AI would let you play a less combat-oriented character as well, if you really do get your kicks from travelling around trading spice. Takes all sorts..

Oh, I'm quite the offensive character. I play a hybrid archer, medic, swordsman. I just don't like baby sitting my soldiers through the easy fights.

Perhaps weak enemies should have a chance to surrender to your forces. If you have an elite squad of high level soldiers you are able to intimidate smaller or equal size forces of bandits into surrendering themselves.

Although that may unbalance the slave trade a little.

Another thing which I imagine isn't taken into account with the engagements is the medical capabilities of the leader. With 5 points in surgery I should technically take 25% less deaths than a player with none. Although one could argue that since you are not on the front lines that is not an option, I don't see that being the case.
I'm all for a new quick-battle calculation. But i dont' know if it's worth the time to code a feature that i hardly ever use anyway. Actually, i posted about this about 5 months ago in a bit of frustration, because i sometimes accidentally click auto-battle and lose half my army because i made a hasty click. So my suggestion was to simply remove the feature entirely since i see little use for it even if it worked properly.
if a more complex feature for this was included in thegame, it would be done best on an ''exp trade'

for example, you get about 180 odd exp from a black knight.
you get about 30 from a peasent.
so, with a small chance factor put in ( so it isnt TOO mechanical ), auto resolving 2 black knights would look like :

units killed/wounded : black knight, black knight

units killed/wounded : peasent x 12

of course, medic skills, and numbers would fit in somewhere, and it ould need to be a little more sophisticated, but , after all, it is a FAIR way of auto resolving.
Harlequin_ said:
if a more complex feature for this was included in thegame, it would be done best on an ''exp trade'

for example, you get about 180 odd exp from a black knight.
you get about 30 from a peasent.
so, with a small chance factor put in ( so it isnt TOO mechanical ), auto resolving 2 black knights would look like :

units killed/wounded : black knight, black knight

units killed/wounded : peasent x 12

of course, medic skills, and numbers would fit in somewhere, and it ould need to be a little more sophisticated, but , after all, it is a FAIR way of auto resolving.

Hrm, Yeah I'd totally forgotten about experience. Yeah, that could be a good way of assigning a "toughness" to a NPC.
I have noticed that my partner borcha SUCKS in a combat situation even though he's well armed he get slaugtered in the first minuit of the fight.I think that armagan should increse the skill of heros to match that of the player maybe a little less.I just can't be bothed with heros manley because they fight like little children and rarly kill anything.
YOu do know he has to be atleast level 20 before he necomes an effective fighter? ANd that's if you devote his skills to just fighitng skills.

I agree that it's VERY annoying to lose 4 Khergit Cataphracts to 3 steppe bandits.
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