In Progress Русский - RU Incorrect declensions of the names of characters, names of settlements and other errors.

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No, I didn't use any mods.


Translation Error: There are a huge number of them
Corrected Translation: See below in the comment
Where did you find this error (which conversation, screen, area,...)?: Everywhere
Снимок экрана (4842)_cr.png
Hello, dear localizers! In the Russian localization, there are incorrect declensions of character names due to incorrectly prescribed gender functions in a huge number of characters. I can't create a separate page for each character, because I'll spam you with the whole topic. And I don't have free time for that. I tried to fix a number of functions, but that's not all.
In my opinion, 90% of the female characters of Battanian, 80% of the female characters of the Khuzaites, 50% of the female characters Vlandia have male functions. There are male characters with female declensions of names. There are very unfortunate names that will have incorrect declensions anyway. There is a similar situation with the names of settlements. I'll show you everything below, in the screenshots. Some of them are made on version 1.0.3 of the game, but this is also true for version 1.1.0 beta.
So that you do not waste your precious time on the work I have already done, I have packed the files with the errors I found and corrected into the archive. I will try to show and tell you about them in detail.
File std_lords_xml-rus.xml
Диля - removed the extra soft sign
Разан - it's a man, fixed the gender function, removed the extra letter
Корте - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Алиджин - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Хориджин - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Ибир - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Нивин - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Лясин - it's a woman, fixed the gender function, removed the extra soft sign
Сохатай - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Снимок экрана (3935)_cr.png
Сеонаг - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Эльбет - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Чамбуй - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Сярамус - removed the extra soft sign
Дярбейн - it's a woman, fixed the gender function, removed the extra soft sign, changed one letter
Лукон - changed one letter, it better matches his status
Эзахеи - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Битэг - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Литгардис - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Корейн - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Шурук - we pronounce this name like this. Сурук - consonant with the steppe animal - сурок
Таорсе - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Анат - it's a woman, fixed the gender function. This is the wife of Khan Monchug :smile:
Идрун - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Витуин - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Иселин - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Унаген - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Севин - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Эльвит - it's a woman, fixed the gender function, changed one letter
Ингунд - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Одофлед - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Тилун - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Снимок экрана (3926)_cr.png
Флорейд - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Ладогаль - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Иргин - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Снимок экрана (3929)_cr.png
Ирмгард - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Рагея - Реджия - the Westernized form of the name, we will not accept it. Please fix it. Even Google translator translates as it should.
Джигур - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Ингельтруд - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Абагай - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Болат - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Ранаон - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Эйлид - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Бриган - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Зуад - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Майреас - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Адалиндис - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Сехен - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Бисэг - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Чагун - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Сильвинд - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Зинон - Зино - he's fine with the gender function, but because of the unfortunate ending of the name, terrible declension. Added a letter.
Прециана - Прешиана - terrible. Changed one letter
Адальтруд - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Дяска - removed the extra soft sign
Варясис - removed the extra soft sign
Лена - a beautiful name. Removed the extra soft sign
File std_spcultures_xml-rus.xml
Пеннек - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Кулят - removed the extra soft sign
Хурдют - removed the extra soft sign
Пажель - it's a man, fixed the gender function
Снимок экрана (4832)_cr.png
Висан - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Касевинг - removed the extra soft sign
Пясовинг - removed the extra soft sign
Феа - a beautiful name, but terribly inclined, even with the correct gender function.
Сорегун - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Ира - a beautiful name. Why do you use a Westernized form?
Ургиль - it's a man, fixed the gender function
Снимок экрана (3930)_cr.png
After the correction
Снимок экрана (3965)_cr.png
Девен - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Исигунд - it's a woman, fixed the gender function. See the first screenshot.
Абагай - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Тайс - it's a man, fixed the gender function, changed one letter
Чагун - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Аригун - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
Роэ - it's a woman, fixed the gender function
I didn't check all the names, but only those that I came across in the game. You have to do the rest yourself.
Incorrect declensions of names of localities.
File std_settlements_xml-rus.xml
Согласно легенде, замок Хубьяр построен на руинах роскошного охотничьего поместья, принадлежавшего жестокому и развратному деспоту Турану, которого патриарх Асера убил из мести за порабощение своей семьи. Отчасти поэтому суровые Бану Килд, владеющие замком сейчас, не терпят никаких фривольностей, хотя запах жасмина, который порой приносит ночной ветер, бывает так соблазнителен... Именно здесь герой Нимр был застигнут наедине с девой Бану Килд, жестоко убит и выставлен в клетке на рыночной площади.
This is incorrect text. In our language, a city and a castle are not the same thing. We need to add a clarification.
Согласно легенде, замок города Хубьяр построен на руинах роскошного охотничьего поместья, принадлежавшего жестокому и развратному деспоту Турану, которого патриарх Асера убил из мести за порабощение своей семьи. Отчасти поэтому суровые Бану Килд, владеющие городом сейчас, не терпят никаких фривольностей, хотя запах жасмина, который порой приносит ночной ветер, бывает так соблазнителен... Именно здесь герой Нимр был застигнут наедине с девой Бану Килд, жестоко убит и выставлен в клетке на рыночной площади.

Замок Невянск - removed the extra soft sign
Невянск - removed the extra soft sign
{.FI}Джамайе - correct text - Двигается к Джамайе
Снимок экрана (4302)_cr.png
{.FI}Эсме - correct text - Патрулирует у Эсме
Снимок экрана (3953)_cr.png
{.MI}Клэйг Бан - removed extra space
{.MI}Бог Бет - removed extra space
I have already informed you about this. Still not fixed.
Снимок экрана (5370).jpg
Сиронея расположена на восточном берегу озера Танаис. Когда-то этот мирный и богатый город был оплотом роскоши и дурных нравов. Он служил центром шелковой индустрии и главным связующим звеном в торговле с Транстанаисией – имперскими владениями и протекторатами на другом берегу великого озера. Но после прихода хузаитов богатым сенаторам Сиронеи пришлось стряхнуть пыль с фамильных позолоченных доспехов, наточить потускневшие мечи и повести своих подданных на битву с воинством Урхана. - Removed the extra space at the very beginning.
Снимок экрана (5371).jpg
To quickly and easily see my edits, I recommend using a text comparison program, for example Win Merge.
File std_TaleWorlds_CampaignSystem-rus.xml
This woman speaks like a man. Я потерял. Correctly - Я потеряла. Fixed.
Снимок экрана (5557).jpg
Removed the extra bracket
Снимок экрана (5284)_cr.png
Added a line break
Снимок экрана (5617).jpg
And this has yet to be fixed
Снимок экрана (5581).jpg
File std_wanderer_strings_xml-rus.xml
And again the woman speaks like a man. Fixed.
Снимок экрана (5085).jpg
Снимок экрана (5612).jpg
The sentence is incorrectly constructed here.
Снимок экрана (5600).jpg
It should be like this - И пока растяпа ходил облегчиться, верблюд столкнул её на соломенный тюфяк. Когда он вернулся, склад уже пылал. Fixed.
Corrected the hero's treatment of mercenaries from господин, госпожа, милорд, мадам to сударь, сударыня. The hero's appeal to them does not correspond to their status.
Снимок экрана (5613).jpg
Removed unnecessary spaces in some places. Maybe something else I forgot about.
File std_SandBox-rus.xml
There is only one appeal to the mercenaries, according to their status. Addressing them is a господин, puts the hero in a subordinate position in relation to them.
Снимок экрана (5604).jpg
Снимок экрана (5610).jpg

Files std_heroes_xml-rus.xml, std_world_lore_strings_xml-rus.xml, std_StoryMode-rus.xml
There are only corrected the names of the characters to those that are acceptable to native speakers. You have been written about this more than once and asked to fix it. Please fix it!
Реджия => Рагея
Айра => Ира
Люкон => Лукон
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