Incapitating horses

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I think there needs to be a way to incapitate a horse with one blow when using lances and the like. For example, a horse is charging, so you plant your lance on the ground, point it towards the horse, and the horse runs itself through the lance, incapitating it. Since this is a one hit move, it would have to be very precise, so any angle off perfect would be a glancing blow, doing little or no damage.
Good suggestion indeed. This has been suggested before, but I've not seen a solid discussion about this in a while.
Grounding the pikes should definitely be in the game. The damage should be the same as if that was a couched lance hitting with the speed of that horse.
As of now, stab the horse with a spear and finish it with a 2-handed sword.
I have never heard of planting a spear on the ground and incapitating an incoming horse, i would love to see a reliable source showing that.
And don't get mixed up with spears that were planted deeply in the ground.

The only way i suppose a grounding could be done is sticking the backtip between the foot and ground.
I couldn't find an exact photo but something samiliar (read on)
Now imagine the back tip of the spear is stuck between the ground and the leg, the spearman leaning forward instead of backward like the pic.
The spear can have a last second fine tuning like a couched lance, and the spearman can rotate around the backward leg by taking big steps (you can test it with a broom, just remember a spear is twice as long and much much heavier)

I don't think just sticking the spear on the ground would work, and i assume the above would result in a dead horse and a crushed spearman. :sad:

Don't get me wrong, i would love to see a way for a spearmen to couch a spear against incoming horses, or at least gain speed advantage (of the incoming horse) if he succeed in hitting them
Nice suggestion. But search is a nice function too. :smile:

(it's a quote from some guy, but I can't remember his name right now <_<)
svart said:
I have never heard of planting a spear on the ground and incapitating an incoming horse, i would love to see a reliable source showing that.
And don't get mixed up with spears that were planted deeply in the ground.

The only way i suppose a grounding could be done is sticking the backtip between the foot and ground.
I couldn't find an exact photo but something samiliar (read on)
Now imagine the back tip of the spear is stuck between the ground and the leg, the spearman leaning forward instead of backward like the pic.
The spear can have a last second fine tuning like a couched lance, and the spearman can rotate around the backward leg by taking big steps (you can test it with a broom, just remember a spear is twice as long and much much heavier)

I don't think just sticking the spear on the ground would work, and i assume the above would result in a dead horse and a crushed spearman. :sad:

Don't get me wrong, i would love to see a way for a spearmen to couch a spear against incoming horses, or at least gain speed advantage (of the incoming horse) if he succeed in hitting them

Watch the movie 'Braveheart' for evidence ::razz:
However, doing this succesfully WILL break the spear in reality since an impaled horse is much heavier than an impaled human. It may also not kill the horse instantly, however wounding it and killing it in the long run. It is also one of the simple inventions, which played a part in leading to the end of heavy knight charges, and knights were replaced with other forms of cavalry. I remember reading it somewhere, but forgot the dates.
Ye a movie as evidence :razz:PPPP
I'm too lazy to watch it, can you describe what happened ?

Also for those who don't know, those spears were actually designed to break (they had vertical holes about 1/3 spear length from the tip)
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