Improving character creation

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After playing and buying the key/license to the game, I'm very pleased with the details with character creation! I'd like to see actually a bit more details added to that:

Hair Length: Some people like it really long, perhaps others might enjoy having shortened hair, or to make it down past their shoulders.

Eye color variation: I think it'd be a very prudent feature to add, to change your eye color without the skin tone. There is some space with the design of that "finish" button (or the string it uses) that you could pull it down and make an eye-color button. If it'd be possible to change in that respect and seperate the two-- I think it'd improve the depth of an already incredible character creation system.

I'd like to see some other features as well, such as an actual tournament reminicent to the middle ages and the "official rules" (No hurting the horse or disqualified, etc. Jousting along the rails.)
I like these ideas. I would imagine that making custom hair lengths would be kind of hard, because hair movement is hard to do well, but an eye color option might be nice. I wonder if skin color could be turned into a sort of slider, with albino on one end and extremely dark on the other end, or if the in-between colors would be too hard to make look good.
Anyway, so many good ideas, it would take 100 years to adress them all, but maybe this will be reasonable enough to make the cut :wink:
Well, the faces (and by extension eyes) are textures, and you can edit them all you want, check out the threads in the modding section. It is or will someday be possible to add new faces as opposed to replacing them.


Here's a thought; a "random face" button for the face maker.
I agree! A random face button would not be a bad substitution for the eye color button I suggested. The space fits right there.
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