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In the last few updates the design has gotten even worse, here are just a few examples how "improvements" are anything but.

Requiring governors to start a kingdom - Useless and unnecessary, just an irritation to learn something new. Again.

The grouping system continues to irritate. Player settings are not held between battles and between sieges making a bunch of painful make-work. Of course it ignores the settings in sieges anyway so it seems particularly designed to irritate in multiple ways.

Recently when you start a kingdom it now holds the last kingdom color making battles against the kingdom you were a vassal for a huge irritation.

Troop list bouncing has started again making you spin the wheel after every troop modification.

Dismissing a party from an army can now cause them to teleport up to 11 hours away.

You can not now remove a hero unless he/she is with the party. Is there no such thing as a messenger service? Another unnecessary "feature"/

Now when you disband a party it wanders around for a while and then goes somewhere and disbands. So if you simply want to upgrade the equipment for that hero it is now a long laborious process.

C'mon Taleworlds, have you started hiring people from Microsoft? A once elegant game becomes more and more tedious.
The grouping system continues to irritate. Player settings are not held between battles and between sieges making a bunch of painful make-work. Of course it ignores the settings in sieges anyway so it seems particularly designed to irritate in multiple ways.
Also, sometimes, the line (or other) formations transforming in weird square or whatever due to lack of room, have to manipulate orders to recover a proper formation...

Or, when you help a garrison, it has its own command by AI, they might regroup or suicide-charge, ...
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