Improved Caravan Mechanics

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I think the current way of escorting caravans needs some improvement. There's usually a significant speed difference between the caravan and your party, so I propose one of two solutions:

1) RTS-Style- Instead of having the caravan follow the player, the caravan can be commanded by the user as well. Use right click to select a party, or right-drag a box to select both. You can, for example, order them both to the destination. When you order both to move, the parties will move at the speed of the slower one.

2) Combine both parties into the player party icon, give it a crappy speed, and put some info about the caravan in the party information screen.

I like the first option, myself, but it will obviously mean some changes to the interface.
I agree, if the palyers party would have a command that forced them to stay within a short distance of the caravan this wouldnt be a problem. We dont really want them to be as slow as the caravan, because we will probably want to intercept, I do anyway. When I escort, the caravan itself never sees combat.

If we had an order we could give, lets call it "escort", where we press the command key and then click on the target group to be protected this would be pretty sweet. Then if we saw a hostile group coming near we could just click on them and the escort command would be nullified. Once we were done with the fight we could give the command again to continue the journey.

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