Important Improvements for UI !!

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UI has some seriously lacking features.





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For the first image, it would be good to have both individual skills and total skills listing.
I am not sure about the city culture - it seems pretty obvious from the image (or the castle you are currently in). Regardless, I don't think it's hard to show this info somewhere.
I agree on the last one! Even if it's possible to see the companion culture when you hover (dont remember if the info is there), we should be able to see matching companions immediately (QOL)

Sorry for tagging you @MRay, but this is your domain!
"Most skilled" is a relative term. One hero might be 200 in one skill and below 20 in others. And one guy might be 70 across the board. Generic "level" might help you better. But I also have some reservations adding a "level" sort since this page shows lords AND wanderers. I'll bring it up internally.

Culture info there is not relevant in my opinion. If it's affecting loyalty, prosperity etc. it's denoted in the tooltip of these values already. Seems unnecessary, plus the image of the settlement already gives you some idea. When it's relevant in the governor assignment, it should be shown there.

The governor effect of mismatching cultures should be denoted in the tooltip under governor effects.

I think "Star" doesn't really solve the issue of "will this assignment give me culture buff/debuff". Players won't be able to understand it clearly and what it does. We also use "stars" for bookmarking already and that would be misappropriating iconography. Another entry in "Governor Effects" seems like a better solution.

I have taken some notes, will bring it up internally.
"Most skilled" is a relative term. One hero might be 200 in one skill and below 20 in others. And one guy might be 70 across the board. Generic "level" might help you better. But I also have some reservations adding a "level" sort since this page shows lords AND wanderers. I'll bring it up internally.
What about adding a further column of showing those icons of their top skills (doesn't have to be sortable)? The ones you see at their details character page (below their portrait) of usually 3-4 skills they 'specialize' in; so you can see at a glance vs having to click in and out constantly if you're seeking a specific companion type.
That, or do away with the all-knowing encyclopedia to add back that 'joy of discovery' finding a good companion.
That's already coming, stay tuned. soon ™️
Any details or thought process on the potential adjustments that can be shared? The game is full-release, not like this would/should impact sales or break any saves with regards to these types of changes/patches.
A quick blurb (or screenshots really) on it can get a very simple/quick opinion back whether it's the 'right' form of change - vs committing the time into it only to get even worse blowback on the UI changes after the spent resources. Unless soon is imminently soon and feedback on it doesn't impact/matter anymore.
That's already coming, stay tuned. soon ™️
Oooo now I'm excited. I wonder if we're gonna have to talk to NPCs to get updates on the Encyclopedia? I like the 'Fog of War' Encyclopedia idea much more! I'd also like an excuse for more NPC dialogue and personality :smile:
Well, the more suitable governor candidates might be highlighted green and others red.
Plus i've said the most skilled companion thing for only the wanderers.
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