Important - enemy should have red names over their heads!

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I remember back years ago when i first played counterstrike. I was so frustrated at being banned from every friendly fire server i played on, because i couldn't tell the difference between the terrorist and counter-terrorist uniforms :lol: But after a few days, it was no problem at all. Just give it a little time, and you'll have no trouble.
NikkTheTrick said:
Handel said:
Now it is impossible to distinguish frined from foe when in the melee!
It is not supposed to be! The chaos of melee!

I know, I know... but, the problem is, at high levels, you are far more dangerous than your enemies :???: so in the end, you could lose a battle because you killed all your troops by yourself... by accident.
Melee weapons won't do damage to your army of muppets, and if you have the indicator thingies on all of your muppets have their names written in green hovering above their heads. Just kill the ones whos name you can't see.
Xavori said:
I know, I know... but, the problem is, at high levels, you are far more dangerous than your enemies :???: so in the end, you could lose a battle because you killed all your troops by yourself... by accident.

Then those troops were stupid to come along with you :lol: I remember shooting my army just for the fun :twisted:
I think that enemies should have red names over their heads so you know who you can kill and who you have to knock out. If I need 4 swadian knights prisoner, I don't want to waste time trying to wield a slow warhammer against swadian men at arms, when I have a perfectly good scimitar that can cut them to pieces much faster. I also want to be able to get to a nobleman faster than my men without trying to tell wether that's a bald guy I'm seeing in the distance, or just a leather cap...
Ime nyt vittua...

Men-at-arms and knights have different equipment.

Ny ska du åka till helvetet. Mä en enää ikinä halua nähdä sinua.
ROFL, I wonder if I should translate that... I agree with you, though. :smile:

Publice service announcement: Worbah is a mean drunk and he is, at this very moment, drunk. Ignore him until he's relatively sober.
lol i dont think there is need for red names for anything cause basically it shows ally names and not foe names anyway :???: how hard can it be to check :wink:
Rather than red names, some more distinctive heraldry on units would be nice (surcoats, stylised armour). Maybe new and grimey variants for each, so could pick deserters from regular troops.
ArCHeR said:
I think that enemies should have red names over their heads so you know who you can kill and who you have to knock out. If I need 4 swadian knights prisoner, I don't want to waste time trying to wield a slow warhammer against swadian men at arms, when I have a perfectly good scimitar that can cut them to pieces much faster. I also want to be able to get to a nobleman faster than my men without trying to tell wether that's a bald guy I'm seeing in the distance, or just a leather cap...

Actually, I like the realism to it. King tells me to capture some specific type of guys for info (though footmen, I think, would hardly have as much pertinent tactical information as knights. . .just a thought), I go and find an army that my scouts tell me have what I'm looking for. However, unless I'm really familiar with those units myself, my best course is just to capture as much of the army alive as I can, and sort them out aferward. To me, it's more realistic this way, than having a neon-red label over their heads ("hit me! hit me! I'm what you want!" :roll: )
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