Imperator: Rome (New Paradox game)

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Well looks like we've got another Rome game. I only played the first one a little bit, this one seems to cover a longer period judging from these first screenshots from 450 bc 450 AUC so 304 BC to Caesars death like last time? The map is also bigger, it stretches from Scandinavia to Ethiopia and Britain to India (Burma I guess?).

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Better info thread than I could ever manage

As usual I'm quite excited for a new paradox release as I can't help myself but I am a bit sceptical after the Hoi4 and Stellaris releases.
I am aware, I was just memeing.

And aye, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw the timeframe extended, CK2 got 300 extra years slapped onto it's timeframe. And who knows, they haven't announced the end date as far as I'm aware so it could be later than expected.
TitanToe said:
As usual I'm quite excited for a new paradox release as I can't help myself but I am a bit sceptical after the Hoi4 and Stellaris releases.

HoI IV was, and still is trash but I find Stellaris really entertaining currently. Seems to me like the most 'fresh' of their releases, hopefully this also goes the same route.
I mean I enjoy both games. Hoi 4 seems to be on the right track especially since they announced they're adding fuel along with the naval dlc earlier today but I absolutely love Stellaris, I think it's in a really good place atm and will only improve with time. I was mainly referring to the rough releases both games had and that I'm hoping that they'll deliver a solid game from the get-go
TitanToe said:
they'll deliver a solid game from the get-go

Everything Pdox has put out since EU3/CK2/Hoi3/Vicky2 has been trash and there is no sign or even a hint that their habit of making Day 1 customers into extended beta testers nor their habit of nickel'n'diming people with endless stream of ****ty DLC is ending.
Basically nothing like CK2, as long as we stay within general realm of Paradox grand strategies. It's more detached and game-y, you're just cranking numbers and setting things in motion, it doesn't even try to hide excel sheets management behind smoke and mirrors.
EU Rome is the first game where they started experimenting with CK2ish mechanics, to the point that the images for some of the traits in EU Rome are primitive versions of the later CK2 variants. If you want to make a chronology, it was Crusader Kings - EU Rome - Sengoku - Crusader Kings 2 in terms of development. The best parts of EU Rome were the Crusader Kings aspects and they better remember that. If this game turns to EU IV Rome instead of EU Rome 2 then I'll have a lifetime of disappointment on my hands.
Same here. I've been watching some EU Rome let's plays and the mechanics are far more congruent than the endlessly tedious "mana" systems in EU and now Hoi 4. There's nothing I'd like less than a game where you're just juggling point systems and more dynamic systems like manpower and trade are given a back seat. Eu Rome's trade system looks really good, for example, compared to eu4's automatic spreadsheet thing.
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