IG_Battlegrounds Weekly Statistics

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Master Knight
This thread will show the following statistics from IG_Battlegrounds:
  • Which class is played the most
  • Top 10 players with the highest damage
  • Top 10 players with the most teamdamage
  • All weapons used and the amount of kills they've gotten

It currently uses the player names (and not IDs) to calculate the damage done. It's very hard to know what name every player uses as their main name, so it'd be very complex to make that happen...

When looking at damage, remember: each class has 60hp in average. That would mean, for an example, that a player with 385 damage would've done roughly 6.4 players amount of damage.

If you have any suggestions for statistics that could be added, please post them here. I will take into consideration what can realisticly be added :smile:

Nord Huscarl: 4192
Rhodok Sergeant: 3829
Swadian Infantry: 3623
Vaegir Spearman: 3307
Sarranid Footman: 3242
Swadian Crossbowman: 2054
Rhodok Crossbowman: 2065
Swadian Man at Arms: 2012
Sarranid Mamluke: 1946
Vaegir Archer: 1816
Nord Archer: 1806
Rhodok Horseman: 1657
Vaegir Horseman: 1651
Sarranid Archer: 1650
Nord Scout: 1642
Nord Huscarl: 4192
Rhodok Sergeant: 3829
Swadian Infantry: 3623
Vaegir Spearman: 3307
Sarranid Footman: 3242
Swadian Crossbowman: 2054
Rhodok Crossbowman: 2065
Vaegir Archer: 1816
Nord Archer: 1806
Sarranid Archer: 1650
Swadian Man at Arms: 2012
Sarranid Mamluke: 1946
Rhodok Horseman: 1657
Vaegir Horseman: 1651
Nord Scout: 1642

[list type=decimal]
[*]TT_Meldo: 25724
[*]Sexy_Playboy: 19612
[*]Tq_Adrian: 17049
[*]DoF_Infinity: 16170
[*]Device: 15572
[*]Tq_Apollo: 15267
[*]TT_TonyTheTank: 14363
[*]Wonwokie_SirAlecks: 13016
[*]IR_HORSE_MAN: 12424
[*]Morpheus: 12047

[list type=decimal]
[*]TT_Meldo: 2685
[*]OTG: 1237
[*]Aequalitas_LaPache: 1205
[*]DoF_Infinity: 1140
[*]Baron: 1123
[*]Levy_SirValeister_mercia: 1110
[*]Aequalitas_Motthe: 1072
[*]DEUSVULT: 1048
[*]Tq_Apollo: 979
[*]GP_Belendor: 868

Heavy Throwing Axe: 1
Long Spiked Club: 1
Throwing Axe: 1
Jarids: 2
Javelin: 2
Light Throwing Axe: 2
Long Bardiche: 2
Sarranid War Axe: 2
Shortened Military Scythe: 2
Spiked Staff: 2
Winged Mace: 2
Bardiche: 3
Falchion: 3
Knobbed Mace: 3
Nordic Short Sword: 3
Spiked Club: 3
Two Handed Axe: 3
War Bow: 3
Bastard Sword: 4
Great Axe: 4
Maul: 4
Ashwood Pike: 5
Great Lance: 5
Heavy Throwing Axes: 5
Military Sickle: 5
Shortened Voulge: 5
Spiked Mace: 5
Throwing Axes: 5
Light Throwing Axes: 6
Nordic Short War Sword: 6
Two Handed War Axe: 6
Darts: 8
Fighting Pick: 9
Great Bardiche: 9
Iron Mace: 9
Long Hafted Spiked Mace: 9
Great Sword: 10
Military Pick: 10
Sarranid Cavalry Sword: 10
Short Arming Sword: 10
Long Axe: 12
Long War Axe: 12
Long Bow: 13
Sledgehammer: 14
Glaive: 16
Short Sword: 16
War Darts: 16
Great Long Bardiche: 17
Two Handed Sword: 17
Sarranid Arming Sword: 18
Bamboo Spear: 19
Heavy Bastard Sword: 21
Morningstar: 22
Pike: 23
One Handed Axe: 30
Crossbow: 34
Sarranid Battle Axe: 37
Khergit Bow: 39
Great Hammer: 40
Iron Battle Axe: 40
None-weapon: 42
Soldier's Cleaver: 42
Spear: 47
War Cleaver: 47
Awlpike: 48
Sarranid Guard Sword: 58
Great Long Axe: 65
One Handed Battle Axe: 67
Heavy Lance: 68
Nordic Sword: 68
Long Awlpike: 73
War Spear: 75
Nordic War Sword: 86
Sarranid Sword: 88
Strong Bow: 104
Siege Crossbow: 112
Iron War Axe: 120
Nomad Bow: 128
Elite Scimitar: 141
Arming Sword: 144
Short Bow: 174
One Handed War Axe: 178
Sword: 225
Javelins: 255
Scimitar: 296
Light Lance: 388
Heavy Crossbow: 389
Military Cleaver: 404
Lance: 782
Nord Huscarl: 3970
Vaegir Spearman: 3602
Rhodok Sergeant: 3082
Swadian Infantry: 3003
Sarranid Footman: 2928
Swadian Crossbowman: 1819
Vaegir Archer: 1803
Sarranid Mamluke: 1755
Swadian Man at Arms: 1736
Nord Scout: 1602
Rhodok Crossbowman: 1577
Vaegir Horseman: 1570
Sarranid Archer: 1521
Rhodok Horseman: 1312
Nord Archer: 1294
Swadian Crossbowman: 1819
Vaegir Archer: 1803
Rhodok Crossbowman: 1577
Sarranid Archer: 1521
Nord Archer: 1294
Sarranid Mamluke: 1755
Swadian Man at Arms: 1736
Nord Scout: 1602
Vaegir Horseman: 1570
Rhodok Horseman: 1312
Nord Huscarl: 3970
Vaegir Spearman: 3602
Rhodok Sergeant: 3082
Swadian Infantry: 3003
Sarranid Footman: 2928

[list type=decimal]
[*]Morpheus: 23231
[*]Kane: 20686
[*]SirAlecks: 20210
[*]AE_Zaudunyani_OGL: 18545
[*]Random_Rayden: 17064
[*]Machmood_ThickBooty: 14966
[*]Tq_Adrian: 13981
[*]Tq_Purzelblume: 13975
[*]Device: 13069
[*]IR_HORSE_MAN: 12916

[list type=decimal]
[*]AoRE_Doku: 1337
[*]Machmood_ThickBooty: 1277
[*]Kane: 1197
[*]Random_Rayden: 1111
[*]Einherjar_0RTALI0N_PPS: 1082
[*]IO_Shovenio_The_Butcher: 1018
[*]Device: 884
[*]AE_Zaudunyani_OGL: 856
[*]Tq_Adrian: 821
[*]BRO_Peacemaker: 785
By comparison, AoRE_Doku teamkilled about 22.3 players!

Military Sickle: 1
Spiked Mace: 1
Throwing Axe: 1
Ashwood Pike: 2
Javelin: 2
Knobbed Mace: 2
Long Axe: 2
Long Bardiche: 2
Long Hafted Spiked Mace: 2
Long War Axe: 2
Sarranid Cavalry Sword: 2
Shortened Military Scythe: 2
Shortened Voulge: 2
Spiked Staff: 2
Two Handed Axe: 2
Two Handed War Axe: 2
Winged Mace: 2
Darts: 3
Great Bardiche: 3
Falchion: 4
Glaive: 4
Heavy Throwing Axe: 4
Heavy Throwing Axes: 4
Iron Mace: 4
Fighting Pick: 5
Great Axe: 5
Bastard Sword: 6
Light Throwing Axe: 6
Maul: 6
Nordic Short War Sword: 7
Sarranid Arming Sword: 7
Throwing Axes: 7
Nordic Short Sword: 8
Sarranid Battle Axe: 8
Sledgehammer: 8
Spiked Club: 8
One Handed Axe: 9
Pike: 9
Sarranid War Axe: 9
Short Arming Sword: 9
War Darts: 9
Bardiche: 10
Two Handed Sword: 10
Great Sword: 12
Heavy Bastard Sword: 13
Light Throwing Axes: 14
Long Bow: 14
Great Long Axe: 16
Jarids: 17
War Cleaver: 17
Bamboo Spear: 18
Short Sword: 18
Military Pick: 19
Morningstar: 19
Great Hammer: 20
Great Long Bardiche: 20
War Bow: 22
Nordic War Sword: 23
Sarranid Guard Sword: 25
Heavy Lance: 32
Soldier's Cleaver: 38
None-weapon: 39
Siege Crossbow: 43
War Spear: 43
Crossbow: 44
Great Lance: 45
Spear: 47
Iron Battle Axe: 53
Nordic Sword: 54
Awlpike: 64
Arming Sword: 65
One Handed Battle Axe: 66
Sarranid Sword: 72
Short Bow: 91
Long Awlpike: 111
Iron War Axe: 145
Javelins: 161
Sword: 170
Nomad Bow: 182
Strong Bow: 189
One Handed War Axe: 204
Khergit Bow: 225
Elite Scimitar: 226
Military Cleaver: 234
Heavy Crossbow: 240
Light Lance: 254
Scimitar: 617
Lance: 912
Nord Huscarl: 4036
Vaegir Spearman: 3536
Rhodok Sergeant: 3551
Swadian Infantry: 3242
Sarranid Footman: 2920
Vaegir Horseman: 1716
Vaegir Archer: 1811
Swadian Crossbowman: 1780
Swadian Man at Arms: 1687
Sarranid Mamluke: 1670
Rhodok Crossbowman: 1666
Nord Scout: 1635
Rhodok Horseman: 1418
Sarranid Archer: 1402
Nord Archer: 1299
Nord Huscarl: 4036
Vaegir Spearman: 3536
Rhodok Sergeant: 3551
Swadian Infantry: 3242
Sarranid Footman: 2920
Vaegir Archer: 1811
Swadian Crossbowman: 1780
Rhodok Crossbowman: 1666
Sarranid Archer: 1402
Nord Archer: 1299
Vaegir Horseman: 1716
Swadian Man at Arms: 1687
Sarranid Mamluke: 1670
Nord Scout: 1635
Rhodok Horseman: 1418

[list type=decimal]
[*]Random_Rayden: 18902
[*]DJIN: 17951
[*]_RE_Kazupa: 14928
[*]BRO_Peacemaker: 14067
[*]Morpheus: 13949
[*]ImB_Alakrit: 13828
[*]Random_Master_Thorr: 11760
[*]Chlopka_: 11754
[*]Tq_Adrian: 11354
[*]Meldo: 11222

[list type=decimal]
[*]Random_Rayden: 1433
[*]Device: 996
[*]WLS_Salt: 931
[*]Meldo: 876
[*]_RE_Kira: 803
[*]Lord_Shekel: 684
[*]Random_PriNcelele: 682
[*]ImB_Alakrit: 652
[*]Gazer: 649
[*]WLS_OTG: 642

Dyes: 1 <---------- WHAT THE FUDGE
Spiked Mace: 1
Throwing Spears: 1
Ashwood Pike: 2
Javelin: 2
Long Spiked Club: 2
Maul: 2
Nordic Short War Sword: 2
Sarranid Battle Axe: 2
Throwing Axe: 2
Winged Mace: 2
Heavy Throwing Axe: 3
Jarids: 3
Light Throwing Axe: 3
Glaive: 4
Military Sickle: 4
Sarranid War Axe: 4
Two Handed War Axe: 4
Bardiche: 5
Falchion: 5
Long Axe: 5
Long Bardiche: 5
Long Hafted Spiked Mace: 5
Sarranid Arming Sword: 5
Throwing Axes: 5
Great Axe: 6
Great Lance: 6
Great Sword: 6
Sledgehammer: 6
Spiked Staff: 6
Two Handed Axe: 6
Fighting Pick: 8
Short Arming Sword: 8
Darts: 9
Heavy Throwing Axes: 9
Long War Axe: 9
Nordic Short Sword: 9
War Darts: 9
Light Throwing Axes: 10
Sarranid Cavalry Sword: 10
Spiked Club: 11
Knobbed Mace: 12
Military Pick: 12
Bastard Sword: 13
Long Bow: 13
Short Sword: 14
One Handed Axe: 17
War Bow: 17
Bamboo Spear: 20
Shortened Voulge: 20
Iron Battle Axe: 25
Sarranid Guard Sword: 25
Heavy Bastard Sword: 31
Pike: 31
Great Bardiche: 32
War Cleaver: 32
Iron Mace: 39
Crossbow: 40
None-weapon: 40
Soldier's Cleaver: 44
Two Handed Sword: 46
Great Long Axe: 47
Great Hammer: 51
Long Awlpike: 51
Siege Crossbow: 52
Heavy Lance: 54
Awlpike: 56
Great Long Bardiche: 58
Arming Sword: 59
Nordic War Sword: 59
Morningstar: 66
Spear: 70
Sarranid Sword: 74
War Spear: 89
Khergit Bow: 109
Nordic Sword: 117
Iron War Axe: 121
Nomad Bow: 124
One Handed Battle Axe: 124
Strong Bow: 126
Short Bow: 131
Javelins: 196
One Handed War Axe: 204
Heavy Crossbow: 216
Elite Scimitar: 217
Sword: 220
Military Cleaver: 248
Light Lance: 303
Scimitar: 385
Lance: 869
Nord Huscarl: 2506
Rhodok Sergeant: 2358
Sarranid Footman: 2294
Vaegir Spearman: 2200
Swadian Infantry: 2085
Sarranid Mamluke: 1171
Rhodok Crossbowman: 1130
Swadian Crossbowman: 1109
Vaegir Archer: 1083
Vaegir Horseman: 1066
Swadian Man at Arms: 1024
Nord Scout: 1039
Sarranid Archer: 993
Nord Archer: 827
Rhodok Horseman: 758
Nord Huscarl: 2506
Rhodok Sergeant: 2358
Sarranid Footman: 2294
Vaegir Spearman: 2200
Swadian Infantry: 2085
Sarranid Mamluke: 1171
Vaegir Horseman: 1066
Swadian Man at Arms: 1024
Nord Scout: 1039
Rhodok Horseman: 758
Rhodok Crossbowman: 1130
Swadian Crossbowman: 1109
Vaegir Archer: 1083
Sarranid Archer: 993
Nord Archer: 827

[list type=decimal]
[*]Peacemaker: 15876
[*]DJIN: 15021
[*]Chlopka_: 11576
[*]GP_Rainbow: 11419
[*]_RE_Kazupa: 10774
[*]Meldo: 10593
[*]Skjaldmo_Lagertha: 10345
[*]Tq_Adrian: 9983
[*]Gazer: 8786
[*]Anthony: 8375

[list type=decimal]
[*]Peacemaker: 970
[*]Love_pills: 692
[*]Chlopka_: 664
[*]KoA_Azeras: 640
[*]Meldo: 613
[*]TanderereDeeejjjjvvvvi: 579
[*]Shanty: 558
[*]GP_Rainbow: 486
[*]Kattegat_MajestiC: 477
[*]Enmity_Maxl: 475

Ashwood Pike: 1
Jarid: 1
Long Hafted Spiked Mace: 1
Maul: 1
Shortened Military Scythe: 1
Spiked Mace: 1
Throwing Spears: 1
Great Axe: 2
Iron Mace: 2
Javelin: 2
Long Axe: 2
Nordic Short Sword: 2
Spiked Club: 2
Two Handed Axe: 2
Two Handed War Axe: 2
Bardiche: 3
Darts: 3
Great Bardiche: 3
Knobbed Mace: 3
Long Bardiche: 3
Military Sickle: 3
Nordic Short War Sword: 3
Heavy Throwing Axes: 4
Light Throwing Axe: 4
Shortened Voulge: 4
Sledgehammer: 4
Throwing Axe: 4
Winged Mace: 4
Falchion: 5
Fighting Pick: 5
Glaive: 5
Sarranid Cavalry Sword: 5
Spiked Staff: 5
Great Long Axe: 6
Great Sword: 6
Light Throwing Axes: 6
One Handed Axe: 6
Short Arming Sword: 6
Throwing Axes: 6
Great Lance: 7
Heavy Throwing Axe: 8
Pike: 8
Bastard Sword: 9
Short Sword: 9
Soldier's Cleaver: 9
War Darts: 9
Heavy Bastard Sword: 10
Sarranid Arming Sword: 10
War Bow: 10
Military Pick: 11
Morningstar: 11
Crossbow: 14
Sarranid War Axe: 14
Bamboo Spear: 15
Long War Axe: 15
Two Handed Sword: 16
Long Awlpike: 18
Great Long Bardiche: 20
Iron Battle Axe: 21
Long Bow: 22
Great Hammer: 23
None-weapon: 23
Jarids: 25
Sarranid Battle Axe: 25
Nordic Sword: 27
Nordic War Sword: 29
Spear: 29
Strong Bow: 30
Siege Crossbow: 33
War Cleaver: 35
Awlpike: 36
Sarranid Guard Sword: 49
Sarranid Sword: 53
Heavy Lance: 54
One Handed Battle Axe: 63
War Spear: 71
Short Bow: 76
Khergit Bow: 78
Javelins: 83
One Handed War Axe: 96
Arming Sword: 101
Sword: 103
Nomad Bow: 104
Light Lance: 125
Iron War Axe: 128
Elite Scimitar: 146
Heavy Crossbow: 147
Military Cleaver: 163
Scimitar: 241
Lance: 403
Would like to see all time best stats, that would be amazing  :shock:
Nice work anyway
Razer' said:
Would like to see all time best stats, that would be amazing  :shock:
Nice work anyway
I only started adding my own code to the server at the beginning of December, finalised it when I also added part of that code into the WPL2 mod.

So stats like, weapons used, damage, etc can only be gotten from about 1st of January 2017 and forward, if they are to be detailed. Earlier days, months and years can at most show kills and deaths, not as cool :razz: BUT it is possible.
Nice work, It's great to have new incentives to play this server again and get some stats and stuff that are very interesting to check after playing for a while. IG must keep the activity that it has always had of great players with huge skill.
Thanks for the work, keep it up codiveran!
What's this? Looks like a list to me. Sorry, but this is illegal. Alene, you can close this.

IG = Illegal Geezers
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