If your son has ear damage it's your fault

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Inappropriate behavior
If you're unaware of the 'EA - Early Access' terms, here's specifically the part you'd be searching for:

'Bugs and glitches: Although we strive to create a stable game experience, the game will be actively developed during early access and hence there will be a greater chance of bugs and glitches creeping up. It will of course be a priority to fix these.' - the sound issue is obviously not intentional and is getting fixed ASAP.

This is EA therefore if your son suffers from tinnitus it's your fault he got earraped, should buy a fully released game next time! Also community managers are too busy answering fantasy writings of their game threads to actually take care of the important issues.

This is one of the worst game companies to every exist in the universe I'm out of this game for good and axios get a life this game will be dead in a year anywayd
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