If you could resurrect one person...

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okiN said:
Jesus. It'd be awesome to have him tell modern Christians that they've ****ed it all up and are all going to Hell.

That actually WOULD be great. hmmm...

Alright, if you had the power to resurrect TWO persons, who would they be?

Mine would be Jesus and Bill Hicks
I am sorely tempted to ressurect Napoleon to watch him whimper over that state that France has come to...

Definately Jesus though. Damn OkiN, but that's a sweet plan! :lol:
This guy I just clubbed to death. I don't want to go to jail. :cry:

No seriously speaking I'd resurrect Stalin and Hitler. Europe needs some action!
I'll go with me.


Tommy Douglass, a Canadian Prime Minsiter, Premier of Saskatchewan, created meda care, paved thousands of kms of roads in Sask., brought power to many places in Sask., voted Greatest Canadian.

Funny ones:
Joan D'Arc, it would be funny to see her reactino in that France hasn't changed much (except pushing the English out) in 600 years. I mean the borders, France it'self would change.

1000 inquistors from several ages, it would be funny to see them rampaging around destroying everything.

A simple peasent(s) from different ages, to see their faces when they see a TV! :lol: :twisted:

The guy who came up with the origional idea basis of communism.
1/ Jesus Christ
2/ Abraham Lincoln

Except I bet straight away they would be locked up as crazy radicals. :???:
Like others have stated, I'd ressurect Jesus but not for the same reason. I'd ressurect him just to find out if he existed or not (I'd be unable to ressurect him if he is fictional). If he didn't ressurect, that'd be funny as hell... then I'd tell Pavlov to go do some hardcore/ deadly drugs. Now that Pavlov is dead, I'd ressurect him.
You don't need to tell me to do any sort of deadly anything, my stomach is like a waist factory.

I'd bring Ted Bundy back, too many dumb blonds running around in American Eagles with not enough people to kill em.
The guy who invented telephone.. Just so I can torture him and make sure he dies a really painfully tormenting agonising death..

Second resurrection would be for Stalin. The world needs someone like him now to get rid of Bush AND terrorism at the same time ::grin:
Lawrence of Arabia said:
Jesus and......Nero, just to see what kind of sick things he'd do in the modern world.

Ilex said:
No seriously speaking I'd resurrect Stalin and Hitler. Europe needs some action!

Volkier said:
Second resurrection would be for Stalin. The world needs someone like him now to get rid of Bush AND terrorism at the same time ::grin:

:shock: The politics of this board scares me...

I would probably bring back one of the founding fathers of the US. Jefferson, I think.

I would also bring back an ordinary peasant from early medieval Europe, because he would probably freak out the first time he took a ride in a car or plane. And I think that would be pretty funny.
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