If TW is making a space game, will you buy it?

Would you buy TaleWorld's space game?

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I can understand the company wanting to keep their assets (devs) busy but as they are medieval JADED! , TW decided to build - Something completely different. Space Mechanic fits that. Could be interesting ? Although I want BL DLC - "Indus" faction or "Finish the FN game" faction.
I can understand the company wanting to keep their assets (devs) busy but as they are medieval JADED! , TW decided to build - Something completely different. Space Mechanic fits that. Could be interesting ? Although I want BL DLC - "Indus" faction or "Finish the FN game" faction.
Let me get this straight, you are willing to pay for DLC for a unfinished game!? I find that a tad insane...

As for the topic, nope, when TW manages to finish BL I'll consider lifting my boycott, if they do and there's some space game from them, I'll want to see if it's any good with my own eyes before deciding, though considering all things, such a game would take a decade post-release to even be considered finished...
It's kinda finished, for phase one, now is the time for a new faction ! India is the new rich nation, plenty of $$$$$ for a Indian faction with war elephants. Great business opportunity. If marketed properly, I can see a Indus Faction out selling any new game TW tries to sell.

I can see it now in my minds eye .. :grin:
I would rather have a clown faction if it had anything to do with elephants. I want to play as clowns that are called the Taleworlds. They attack with honks from their clown horns that glitch and bug other factions. The honks from their clown noses with remove features that other factions can no longer use. Yes, they will be overpowered because of the lack of already existing features, but a future update will fix their balancing issues, promise.

I don't know if I would buy a space game from them or not. I'd have to see it first. That's if it came out today and was finished. Seeing how long Bannerlord took and the direction it went in, if I did buy it, realistically from what I see with the progress of Bannerlord, I wouldn't be buying the space game till like 12 years from now. So the real question you should ask imo, is am I wanting to buy a space game in 12 years from this company? My answer is absolutely. I'll be so old then that all my memory will be gone. Their space game will have cute animal people as a race you can play as, and I'm sure an older me with no memory will think it's cute and I'll buy it. I hate the future me, but well played Taleworlds.
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