If so im a big...dumbass!

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Do heroes when you put skills in leadership through charisma on Their character...does it increase your party by 5? just like when I do it?

Ive been playing for 2 months and that hasnt been so clear...

If so ima total DUMBASS  :oops:

Since the M@B developers didnt create a TuT showing you how to skill up and how all the variables of other companions add up do you think that it is a normal or a often occuring mistake?

edit: Ive put this in the wrong thread havent I...
pretty much depends on the mod as well, but you're right there :roll: you might wanna check the FAQ of the game at the main page...it's worth the time reading as it goes :wink:
http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,29217.0.html  :grin: i think this might help
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