Ideas & Suggestions

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Odin boarhelm said:
The White Falcon so said:
Alfonso dArmigerio said:
The White Falcon said:
Unique tier 7 kingdom technology upgrades.  Swadians can get repeating carbine, rhodoks either repeating crossbows or advanced artillery and canoneers that fire further, more accurate, and explosive shells.  Saranids would unlock better horse breading and have advanced riflemen that are much more accurate at range than their counterparts.  Nords will unlock advanced smithing to make better swords and axes like the ulfberht sword.  As for the khergits.....hell I dunno, advanced lances and bows.

These sound incredibly OP... Repeating carbines? Explosive shells? I thought this game ended in the 1700s.
Good point, maybe not the explosive shells, but the upgraded cannons/canoneers.  The swadians could get upgraded long rifles that are more accurate than muskets and better musketeers.  Repeating crossbows are definitely viable as their indoctrination into the world dates as far back to 180-230 AD
Odin boarhelm said:
I once screwed around in the files and made myself a hyper-accurate, semi-automatic wheellock, that could fire 500 rounds before needing to reload. I could kill entire armies by myself.

Well I was thinking of a "clip" of 3-4 bullets. Also, unless the firearms proficiency is over 300, you won't be anywhere as accurate as crossbows are at 150-200 proficiency.  So you'll likely be lucky to even hit once at medium-to-long distance.  But I changed the suggestion to still be a single fire upgraded musket.
There's my suggestions :

- Armor balance is very odd. Cloth armor sometimes gives +35 and metal +40. Some knights armor have a very low weight. non-native armors tend to have a far higher price than native ones.

- Makes canonniers not participating in sieges. They get owned very quickly and don't have cannons to fire.

- Add a option on talking on troops to choose if the type of unit will participate to battles. If yes they won't get experience from battles, but get training normally. This would make early troops grinding less frustrating but not better. Of course if the player is defeated and have non-participating troops they become prisoners.

That's all for today. If anything comes up in mind i'll write it down ! :>
Do you have any ideas of what to do with the New World? It's quite lackluster as there's only one empire and no real competition there. Will there be another civilization, like, two that will resemble the Mayans and Incans? Perhaps a small expansion of the new world? Because it sorta looks ugly on the top there. Just saying.

Also, will anything be done near Yarkand?
Valencia Ishtamari said:
Do you have any ideas of what to do with the New World? It's quite lackluster as there's only one empire and no real competition there. Will there be another civilization, like, two that will resemble the Mayans and Incans? Perhaps a small expansion of the new world? Because it sorta looks ugly on the top there. Just saying.

Also, will anything be done near Yarkand?

There's a lot to do, but the lack of competition is an issue.
I'm not going to read 53 pages of suggestions, so sorry if that one has already been made. :mrgreen:
A few people already said that climbing up the social ladder is too easy. I'd suggest to make progress a bit slower ( needing 1,5 - 2 times as much prestige as currently to rise up to the next class) and put a little quest as barrier in front of each class ( I mean: lower class to middle class to upper class) and certain requirements like a minimal wealth/ property.
My suggestion is that:

Possibly make more events like civil wars like in the medieval conquest mod or make more events in general to make the game more unpredictable and interesting like  the reformation, becoming the pope, the great schism, the outbreak of the bubonic plague,  or possibly make Aldurias, Drachemburg, and Zendar more interesting.
One really good feature that you could add is the option to rebel manually. As it stands, one of my long-running games has been ruined by the fact that I've been trying to bait the king into not giving me a settlement for weeks. I could just leave the faction, but I'd leave behind my many cities and all of their expensive to obtain garrisons(500 troops each) that I spent all this time recruiting.
Could you implement the Custom Troop Tree Mod made by MitchellD too? It already includes Diplomacy! :smile:

This mod is quite revolutionary because it is something we have wanted in a very long time. We can finally have our own troop culture and customize what they wear into battle. Your kingdom finally has an identity.
Hernanxd16 said:
NaikJoy said:
Could you implement the Custom Troop Tree Mod made by MitchellD too? It already includes Diplomacy! :smile:

This mod is quite revolutionary because it is something we have wanted in a very long time. We can finally have our own troop culture and customize what they wear into battle. Your kingdom finally has an identity.

This mod already has customizable troops.

Yes but this is much better and is as simple like placing your equipment on character.. only that you get funds and some..
Just trust me.. its much better then any mod out there.. But its sad cus its only on native with free lancer and diplomacy.
Hello! First time on this forum (account-less lurking aside), but enough of that.

Suggestion number 1: Considering that you have Cossacks as an available unit to the Vageirs/Vageir-cultured kingdoms, perhaps you could port some of the relevant clothing/armors from WFaS?

Suggestion Number 2: Adding on to the whole Cossacks bit, how about another leader-name for a Vageir-culture nation: Hetman (nation title: Hetmate) . Granted, one could arguably make something reasonably similar to a Cossack Hetmate by just going the whole Kheregit-steppe-culture route, but the fact that they get the Islamic/Middle-eastern buildings set doesn't really work all that well with any attempt at recreating something resembling the original Hetmate.

Suggestion Number 3: I thought of something to do with all that empty space north of the Vageirs, but I'm not so sure how difficult it could be to implement. Basically, add a few colony markers up among all that snow, with the resources to be gained being furs, timber, and ores (as opposed to any exotics), somewhat mimicking how Russia expanded into Siberia while other contemporary/colonial powers were looking Westward. These would still be limited as colonies, however, preventing the Vageirs from getting too much of an unfair advantage with extra cities.

Suggestion Number 4: A variation on the whole pirates thing. While the European pirates fit the New World and the Western shores of Calradia fairly well, perhaps a Middle-Eastern variant (a la the Barbary Corsairs) that spawns in the South/Southeastern waters might be a little better? It's a minor detail, honestly, but it'd certainly be a nice touch.
after playing a fair amount, here are some suggestions for kingdom management

- have an option to automatically feed your lords 20k for 20 relationship

- have an option to donate more than 10k to a city's treasury, maybe buttons for 20k, 30k, 50k, 100k, and 200k. if i want to add my own money to get the ball rolling in wercheg, i find it annoying that i have to keep going through a bunch of dialogue over and over

- have an option, i guess through the port master in Zendar or the guild master there, for them to send ships to the new world for you to ferry your tradegoods back to calradia, with either the option to A: have them all sold and lose 10-30% of the profits in exchange for the automation, or B: have the tradegood stored in the docks of the harbor, but lose 1/3 of the tradegood when they bring it over, to cover the costs of bringing them to the old world (eg, Coats Island produces 15 sable furs which sell for about 1080, so if i sell them myself i get around 15k total. If i get them brought over for me, i get 10-12k total instead, OR 10 furs stored in a chest in Zendar)
- it would also be neat if you could use your ships for things when you are not fairing soldiers around, so maybe you have to purchase and then provide the ships for this option to be available? if you want to use your ship again, then you must go to the harbour master and tell him to scrap the service for the next week, and they you may use your extra ships again? i found that i needed 3 galleons to move around 120 troops to take the aztec lands, and to move soldiers around the coast of the old word, or when i head from sargoth down to rhodok or sarranid lands to recruit, it was nice to go around the cathars and move a little quicker, but if i want to go grab the sable furs and ivory, i take maybe 20-30 soldiers with me, so i am wasting money most weeks.

- give an option to donate money from the kingdom's treasury to a city, in the same increments as above. i get 6.5 mil a week from owning all of the new world, and investing early and heavily into my kingdom, and have nothing to spend it on (i'm getting patrols as soon as i can, paying off lords, and still not coming close, but i know sargoth is struggling to make enough for itself to both build everything i want and recruit soldiers)

- are schools implemented the same way here as they are in native and other mods? like how you can build them in villages to make them like you bit by bit each week? if not, they should be, made it so much easier to recruit large armies when every village you controlled just started to like you more

- give aztec cities options for being useful. right now, all they do is act like a castle with a market, but without the ability to train soldiers. at least let them do that, if not implement the same building features that the mainland cities get. i'm sure the aztec capital for me have a few hundred thousand in the treasury, and i have no way to use it.

This mod is terrific, but these are just some things that get tiresome after a while
MrCondottieri said:
Suggestion Number 3: I thought of something to do with all that empty space north of the Vageirs, but I'm not so sure how difficult it could be to implement. Basically, add a few colony markers up among all that snow, with the resources to be gained being furs, timber, and ores (as opposed to any exotics), somewhat mimicking how Russia expanded into Siberia while other contemporary/colonial powers were looking Westward. These would still be limited as colonies, however, preventing the Vageirs from getting too much of an unfair advantage with extra cities.

i second this idea for having colonies that produce practical stuff, rather than exotics. But for ore, there are already those mines that you can restore to working order, then make you 2500 florins a week. maybe a nice alternative would be to let the mines cost you 2500 or 5000 a week to generate stone and bars/ores for you, since it seems weird that a king would head down into the mines. maybe you can also 'fuel' it with slaves? it would give a colony at Araghion a use, after populating the other colonies with slaves, since they are not worth much?
I think there should be more factions in the old world, especially if this mod gets remade for Bannerlords meaning the larger map will have more room for more factions. I would definely like to see Balion, Geroia and Nordland finally making appearances. The following countries I would like to see an equivalent would be following England, Scotland, Irish kingdoms, France, Poland-Lithuania, Hungary, Sweden and the Ottoman Turks
I think a faction based on the Ottomans, like the Ormeli from the original mount and blade mod The Eagle and the Radiant Cross, is need for Nova Aetas. It would be provide real threat for the Mithridian Empire and the Sarranid Sultanate. I am going to use Ormeli as placeholder for now on. The Ormeli in the early game they start around the Hashalla area and are usually aggressive towards both the Mithridian and Sarranid, often launching Jihads against the Mithridians capital. Once they conqured the Mithridians and Sarranids, they would turn their focus on Rhodoks, Zendarr, Papal State and Swadia.
The Ormeli at the start of the game have 2 troop trees, the Ghazis who are the tribal irregular troops and Kapikulu also known as the Janissaries, with both troop trees using historical. Ghazis are recruited from Villages and Towns of high Muslim religious unity, they are mostly comprised of light infantry and archers and decent missile cavalry. The Kapikulu are the real powerhouses of the Ormeli and are the reason why the Ormeli can easily become the strongest faction in the early mid game. They are the strongest troops available to the Ormeli having access to strong archers, heavy infantrymen, heavy cavalry and musket-men being available whilst all other factions are still at feudal tech. To balance them out the only be recruited by Ormeli vassals and from either the Capital or from settlements of low religious unity and are fairly expensive. I have managed to make a troop tree for the Kapikulu. Feel free if you think it needs extending.

I searched in the topic and I can't find anyone else suggesting this. I don't know if it's possible or if it would be hard to implement but

1) Adding a "commander's options" to the battle menu similar to what brytenwalda has would make battles more than just plain combat. For example, brytenwalda lets you build an encirclement around towns you siege in order to stop supplies from coming in. It also lets you block ports if you have ships. It lets you order your army to dig latrines to prevent diseases from spreading in your army. It gives you the option to challenge the enemy to a duel of honor. It allows you to send skirmishers ahead to cause some casualties to the enemy before the battle starts. Send spies to infiltrate the town to poison the water or burn food supplies. Send scouts to nearby villages to burn the crops and scavenge for supplies. And it lets you rouse your troops with a speech before the battle (this wouldn't really be needed seeing as there's already an ability that lets you rouse your troops mid-battle). All of these have several outcomes, and can go right or wrong, and they influence the morale of your and the enemy troops as well as making it easier or harder to siege.
There are random siege events that can happen based on these factors and the choices you took before a battle.

It doesn't seem like it would be much work, but I don't know how hard it would really be to add this. I definitely recommend adding it if it's possible though, as it generally is a lot of fun and makes battles far more interesting than just engaging into combat every time.

2) Now, I know this is likely never going to get implemented since it seems very hard to do, but the sailing system in Viking Conquests is absolutely the best. Ships having their own health based on the type and material they are made from, and being customisable too on top of that, combined with the fact that you can just steer them around during naval battles and change between rowing and wind sailing, and you can just try to maneuver them around to avoid being boarded, while your archers try to handle the enemy. It's a lot of fun, but I haven't seen this in any other mod sadly. It's the only redeemable quality Viking Conquests has in my opinion, and I would love to see it in Nova Aetas.

3) Lastly, I would like to suggest the Bodyguard system some other popular modules have where your companions spawn next to you and follow you in most places you go to; in taverns, on the streets, etc.
I always assign Firentis and Cedric (Lezalit) to a special custom category called "King's Guard" and keep them around me in battles at all times regardless of what I order my army to do.
The bodyguard feature would allow me to also have them after me when I need them outside of battles, like in tavern brawls and bandit ambushes.
g9871234 said:
I searched in the topic and I can't find anyone else suggesting this. I don't know if it's possible or if it would be hard to implement but

1) Adding a "commander's options" to the battle menu similar to what brytenwalda has would make battles more than just plain combat. For example, brytenwalda lets you build an encirclement around towns you siege in order to stop supplies from coming in. It also lets you block ports if you have ships. It lets you order your army to dig latrines to prevent diseases from spreading in your army. It gives you the option to challenge the enemy to a duel of honor. It allows you to send skirmishers ahead to cause some casualties to the enemy before the battle starts. Send spies to infiltrate the town to poison the water or burn food supplies. Send scouts to nearby villages to burn the crops and scavenge for supplies. And it lets you rouse your troops with a speech before the battle (this wouldn't really be needed seeing as there's already an ability that lets you rouse your troops mid-battle). All of these have several outcomes, and can go right or wrong, and they influence the morale of your and the enemy troops as well as making it easier or harder to siege.
There are random siege events that can happen based on these factors and the choices you took before a battle.

It doesn't seem like it would be much work, but I don't know how hard it would really be to add this. I definitely recommend adding it if it's possible though, as it generally is a lot of fun and makes battles far more interesting than just engaging into combat every time.

2) Now, I know this is likely never going to get implemented since it seems very hard to do, but the sailing system in Viking Conquests is absolutely the best. Ships having their own health based on the type and material they are made from, and being customisable too on top of that, combined with the fact that you can just steer them around during naval battles and change between rowing and wind sailing, and you can just try to maneuver them around to avoid being boarded, while your archers try to handle the enemy. It's a lot of fun, but I haven't seen this in any other mod sadly. It's the only redeemable quality Viking Conquests has in my opinion, and I would love to see it in Nova Aetas.

3) Lastly, I would like to suggest the Bodyguard system some other popular modules have where your companions spawn next to you and follow you in most places you go to; in taverns, on the streets, etc.
I always assign Firentis and Cedric (Lezalit) to a special custom category called "King's Guard" and keep them around me in battles at all times regardless of what I order my army to do.
The bodyguard feature would allow me to also have them after me when I need them outside of battles, like in tavern brawls and bandit ambushes.
Where did you find Lezalit? I travel everywhere to seek this guy.
1. It would be helpful if under game concepts (under notes), you detailed where and how to begin "working" for florins eg. Farming, Woodcutting, Mining, Guilds, getting charters, etc. Along with specifications on which tools are needed for what profession. Also the tools seem a bit overpriced, especially if you want to start a character off with a more humble beginning than just using combat and the arena.

2. It would be cool to have the Farming profession be accessible without the creation of a farm. Perhaps working as a farmhand at a nearby village? It wouldn't be as profitable, but it would be something. Also you may have a chance to gain relation with the village after working a day there.

3. The Relic items seem extremely heavy. A ring has a weight of 30 as opposed to a pike which is 3?  I feel a bible or a ring shouldn't penalize party movement on the world map as much as perhaps the other heftier Relics like the Sacred Sculpture.

Anyway excellent mod. Just started and I am enjoying it thoroughly  :grin:
Own city.
Player can build 6 castles, what about option to build own city and through this way own kingdom. For example, you will build your own farm, then you can invite to your farm new villagers/farmers (same system like in colony) and when farm will be enough large, player can choose upgrade it to village and when village will be fully developed, populated etc., then to own city.
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