after playing a fair amount, here are some suggestions for kingdom management
- have an option to automatically feed your lords 20k for 20 relationship
- have an option to donate more than 10k to a city's treasury, maybe buttons for 20k, 30k, 50k, 100k, and 200k. if i want to add my own money to get the ball rolling in wercheg, i find it annoying that i have to keep going through a bunch of dialogue over and over
- have an option, i guess through the port master in Zendar or the guild master there, for them to send ships to the new world for you to ferry your tradegoods back to calradia, with either the option to A: have them all sold and lose 10-30% of the profits in exchange for the automation, or B: have the tradegood stored in the docks of the harbor, but lose 1/3 of the tradegood when they bring it over, to cover the costs of bringing them to the old world (eg, Coats Island produces 15 sable furs which sell for about 1080, so if i sell them myself i get around 15k total. If i get them brought over for me, i get 10-12k total instead, OR 10 furs stored in a chest in Zendar)
- it would also be neat if you could use your ships for things when you are not fairing soldiers around, so maybe you have to purchase and then provide the ships for this option to be available? if you want to use your ship again, then you must go to the harbour master and tell him to scrap the service for the next week, and they you may use your extra ships again? i found that i needed 3 galleons to move around 120 troops to take the aztec lands, and to move soldiers around the coast of the old word, or when i head from sargoth down to rhodok or sarranid lands to recruit, it was nice to go around the cathars and move a little quicker, but if i want to go grab the sable furs and ivory, i take maybe 20-30 soldiers with me, so i am wasting money most weeks.
- give an option to donate money from the kingdom's treasury to a city, in the same increments as above. i get 6.5 mil a week from owning all of the new world, and investing early and heavily into my kingdom, and have nothing to spend it on (i'm getting patrols as soon as i can, paying off lords, and still not coming close, but i know sargoth is struggling to make enough for itself to both build everything i want and recruit soldiers)
- are schools implemented the same way here as they are in native and other mods? like how you can build them in villages to make them like you bit by bit each week? if not, they should be, made it so much easier to recruit large armies when every village you controlled just started to like you more
- give aztec cities options for being useful. right now, all they do is act like a castle with a market, but without the ability to train soldiers. at least let them do that, if not implement the same building features that the mainland cities get. i'm sure the aztec capital for me have a few hundred thousand in the treasury, and i have no way to use it.
This mod is terrific, but these are just some things that get tiresome after a while