Ideas, ideas, ideas!

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I was thinking about ideas today. I noticed that using the Unofficial M&B editor, you can set arena armour to appear in the shops. But, anyway.

My ideas:

A bandit faction

You are turned against all, besides river pirates, steppe bandits, mountain bandits, and forest bandits. You get a free tacky outfit if you join. Speak to the Count in Dhorak Keep. But, you arn't allied to Kherigit raiders or Dark Hunters.
Rank tree:
Theif - 250 per fortnight, awarded upon joining
Plain Bandit - 275 per fortnight, 10 quests completed, attacked 5 innocents (manhunters, peasants, farmers, refugees etc.)
Corrupt Manhunter - 325 per 9 days, 25 quests completed, attacked 10 innocents
Hitman - 450 per 8 days, 40 quests completed (From now on, merchant quests are not counted), Prisoner Management bonus +1
Second Man Down 600 per 8 days, 75 quests completed, Prisoner Management bonus +2, Strength +1
Bandit Lord 750 per fortnight, 100 quests completed, 5 faction parties eliminated (vaegir/swadian), 50 innocents attacked, finds from wars increased (more stuff appears in the item screen when you've killed something).

A khergit/dark faction
You're an enemy to absolutely everything but khergits and darkies if you join this party. Go to the Khergit camp at North end of the world (not coded yet, and you can't enter it because it stuck on an impossible rocky bit).This really, really pays well, but you must have high stats to join and must be atleast level 25.

The tree:
Khergit Underling 500 per week, 10 quests completed, Khergit Underling/Dark bandit quest completed (a little quest which is quite hard to do. Complete it and you get promoted to the said rank, eg. Khergit Leader will promote you to Khergit Leader once finished)

Khergit Thief 750 per week, 15 quests completed, Rank quest(s) completed, 5 innocents taken hostage, 3 faction parties attacked (eg Vaegir War Party).

Well, I can't do all my ideas just now, but I'll keep adding to it. Hope you like them!
:idea: good idea tentacle :idea:
I also thought a caravan guarding faction would be good.
Then you could get to escort caravans from one end of the map to the other,and get large amounts of cash, but you will automatically get attaked by big parties of bandits (50+) . You get to choose to be a footman or a horseman when you join.

caravan footman: 500 denars per caravan, get given knife.
caravan duellist (from footman): 750 denars per caravan, get given longsword.
caravan swordmeister (from duellist): 1000 denars, get given balanced longsword.

caravan horseman: 500 denars per caravan, get given sumpter horse.
caravan horserider: 800 denars per caravan, get given spirited courser.
caravan horsemaster: 1200 denars per caravan, get given heavy charger.

any more ideas would be appreciated.
A bandit faction is a commonly suggested feature and i think it might eventually end up in the game. A weekly wage doesn't seem right when you're working as a bandit. After all, you're working for nobody but yourself and your fellow bandits. Your 'salary' will be composed of what you can steal from caravans and foragers.
That's the maximum. The more people you kill, the more you earn per week/fortnight/set number of days. Forgot to put that in..
Ingolifs said:
A bandit faction is a commonly suggested feature and i think it might eventually end up in the game. A weekly wage doesn't seem right when you're working as a bandit. After all, you're working for nobody but yourself and your fellow bandits. Your 'salary' will be composed of what you can steal from caravans and foragers.

Reasonable. Ironic, kill Vaegir soldiers and sell their gear to Vaegir merchants and smiths. Allowable? Black Market? Or have bandits limited to certain sites?
Tarchias the merchant says 'Wait a minute, didn't i just send these goods out on that last caravan? How did you end up with them? Oh well, these goods are valuable so i'll buy them.
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