ideas from other games that could be included in M&B

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I think mount&blade should have more complicated quests like runescape, because the quest right now are very simply, go get me that horse mommy, it looks nice or get me the noble man, i want to torture him!!!
I'm only finaly seeing "get me 16 warhorse" instead of "get me 5 sumpters", though once he asked me for 2 clubs... I mena, keep the 2 clubs for a low level but not for ev 50 cheat char!
I'm using a level 31 character and I have only just gotten serious about doing the quests in that I don't even bother doing merchant runs or guarding caravans and stuff like that. I'm only a sergeant at-arms at the moment (btw I change my title in the name slot everytime I get promoted so my character is now Sergeant at-arms Porthos, hehe.) Anyway I'm having fun doing these quests but I would like to do something more important than gathering cleavers, I like the kill the raiders type stuff more. Ah yes, they could borrow some ideas from Pirates! I suppose.
You will never have two of the same quest at the same time, so what I do is I go to a bunch of cities and get the collect horses/equipment/wasteoftime/armor/prisoners/units and deliver message missions, and then all that's left when I ask for a mission is capturing a nobleman or kicking Swadian ass.
Yeah, if I fail a quest I go to the one who gave it to me and get a new one , I'm going after three or four at a time now. Not too bored yet.
yeah the quests in runescape are pretty good, but do quests like that really fit in the game? I think not yet. but we'll see morte quests in any case in the future, and i think also more complicated ones
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