
Kidnapping for a ransom was a very common plague in the midle ages. It would be cool to attack a bunch of pirates just to find between the freed prisoners a count or a noble who will rewards us on the spot, or will ask us for scort to his castle (and rewards us later). As a paralel sidestory, we could also find nobles or merchants at the taverns asking for scort guards to take them from A to B... and we could also kidnap rich or noble travellers and ask for the ransom! (it would be important that you make him inconscious instead of killing him)
Tiphoidea fever, Bubonic plague, Cholera.... It was easy to die in the middle ages. Some cities should be randomly quarintined for a while. If someones gets in or out, (or too close) of a quarintined city or region the player will loose some troops which will be decimated by the illness.
Cattle was a very important factor of middle ages economies. Robbering the cattle from enemy's peasants and protecting one's own peasants from getting robbed was a major issue for any noble worht its salt. In middle ages, cattle was so valuable that robbers got killed on the spot or got condemned to death.
The christian monks did not only preserve in their libraries the knowledge they considered worth of being salvaged of the ruins of the roman empire but in the middle ages they also were a political and social force of first order. Let's put churches in cities, and missions where we are requested to take urgent secret messages to the bishop (in the kings' castle) or we are asked to attack a bunch of heretics, or where we can pay to get a blessing that will raise the moral of our troops. Or prompted to scort a group of Dominicans (inquisition officers were not very well considered and were very likely to fall in ambushes for revenge purposes).
On the maps there should be lines for the roads. Whenever the player moves on the lines, he get a movement/speed bonus.
Kidnapping for a ransom was a very common plague in the midle ages. It would be cool to attack a bunch of pirates just to find between the freed prisoners a count or a noble who will rewards us on the spot, or will ask us for scort to his castle (and rewards us later). As a paralel sidestory, we could also find nobles or merchants at the taverns asking for scort guards to take them from A to B... and we could also kidnap rich or noble travellers and ask for the ransom! (it would be important that you make him inconscious instead of killing him)
Tiphoidea fever, Bubonic plague, Cholera.... It was easy to die in the middle ages. Some cities should be randomly quarintined for a while. If someones gets in or out, (or too close) of a quarintined city or region the player will loose some troops which will be decimated by the illness.
Cattle was a very important factor of middle ages economies. Robbering the cattle from enemy's peasants and protecting one's own peasants from getting robbed was a major issue for any noble worht its salt. In middle ages, cattle was so valuable that robbers got killed on the spot or got condemned to death.
The christian monks did not only preserve in their libraries the knowledge they considered worth of being salvaged of the ruins of the roman empire but in the middle ages they also were a political and social force of first order. Let's put churches in cities, and missions where we are requested to take urgent secret messages to the bishop (in the kings' castle) or we are asked to attack a bunch of heretics, or where we can pay to get a blessing that will raise the moral of our troops. Or prompted to scort a group of Dominicans (inquisition officers were not very well considered and were very likely to fall in ambushes for revenge purposes).
On the maps there should be lines for the roads. Whenever the player moves on the lines, he get a movement/speed bonus.