Idea regarding weapon damage types.

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Grandmaster Knight
I was thinking, that all weapons could have a blunt weapon damage value on them, just a small one.
For example, an arming sword could have 23c damage and 3b damage.

What would this achieve, you ask?

The cut damage could be factored in first, with all the armour modifiers etc, and the blunt damage later. So if you hit someone with a sword, and he absorbs all the cut damage without dying, but dies to the blunt damage factored in a split second later, he gets knocked unconscious.

Is this idea any good?
what would be the logic behind that? Wounding them just enough to incapacitate them but not kill? I could see that.
I think the idea is to give every weapon a certain amount of damage it inflicts if it doesn't pierce the armor. Seeing as I have no idea how the armor calculations work to start off with, and it seems to work pretty well as it is, I'd be pretty hesitant about changing it.
I suppose it's more realistic without impacting on the gameplay. After all, in real battles, people who get incapacitated by sharp objects don't always die outright.

In terms of gameplay, this would just mean that you occasionally get an extra prisoner, and occasionally lose one less soldier.
I'd actually wouldn't mind seeing this idea and in reverse for certain blunt weapons, like spiked maces etc...having a small, secondary piercing damage that has a small chance of killing an opponent...
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