Idea, New Creatures? Ex: Non-Human Foes

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Wouldn't it be cool if you could fight a pack of snarling wolves. Or, lance a grizzly bear? How about fighting on foot and dodging blow after blow from a vicious Roc. Now, I have another idea. If some people who know their myths read this than they would know a Roc is not a real creature.

What I am proposing is creatures to fight:

~~(Grizzly; found in forests, Black; common, Polar; found in mountains)

~~(White; strong, Black; normal, Grey; common/easy)

~~(Forest; found in forests, plains; found everywhere)

*Bears would come in packs of 2-6 and would be equal in power to about 10 Black Knights on Horseback with lances.

*Wolves would come in packs of 4-8 and would be equal in power to about 12 Kergit Raiders on Horseback with bows and axes.

*Deer would come in packs of 10-20 and would be equal in power to about 8 Sea Raiders with axes and shields.


After killing these creatures the loot (or items) would consist of furs, hides, teeth, ect. These items sell for a lot of gold, and in several towns there would be a tanner. Give him 2 Hides, 1 Fur and 50 Gold and he will give you 1 Tanned Hide. Tanned Hides sell for more and they can be used to:

1.) Upgrade Armor
2.) Reinforce Armor
3.) Create New Armor

Upgrading armor would require certain things and would reinforce it. Such as:

1.) Using a long tooth to add a spike in the middle of a Round Shield and be able to bash and deal damage.
2.) Taking several Tanned Hides and upgrading Leather Armor to be stronger.
3.) Replacing the handle of a sword with 1 Tanned Hide to make it strike faster.

Reinforcing armor would simply require Tanned Hides, Metal Plates, or Cloth and would take 1/8 of the armor strengh and add it on. It takes 1/3 amount of gold the armor sells for to reinforce armor. SO:

Big, Bad, Armor

AR: 24
Sell Value: 36

Reinforced Big Bad Armor:

AR: 27
Sell Value: 48

Cost to Reinforce:


Making new armors would require a crafter, gold, and the required resources.


So, adding animals would add tons of new features. Such as:

Hunting, Crafting, Upgrading, Reinforcing, and would be helpful to a trader.


Now, what if you added slightly Mythical creatures? Such as:

~~(Big eagle, would swoop down and knock you off your horse)

~~(Huge bandit basically, would walk slowly and hit you with a 75 pound club dealing major damage and knocking most riders off their horse in one hit.)

~~(Big worms, tunnel in and out of the ground, cause tremors, hard to !!hit, deal medium damage)

Ascended Ones
~~(Large people, golden armor, very strong, AKA, Titans)

Ect. The possibilities are unlimited! Anyway, this is just SOME of my rambling.
I think you should be able to toggle the mythical creatures on or off, if they are added
Worbah said:
I think you should be able to toggle the mythical creatures on or off, if they are added
Yes, good idea... One of those "Character Creation" options. :smile: Also, killing deer/bear/wolves would also yield meat, which you could then smoke if you have a Flint & Tinder kit. Meat would be eatable, and sellable. Also, you could have a "Skinning" ability. The amount of furs/skins/meat you get from hunting animals would depend on that skill. And, how about "Animal Tracking". Animal tracks are a lot different from people tracks. There are a ton of ideas associeted with this :smile:.
Dvd said:
Worbah said:
I think you should be able to toggle the mythical creatures on or off, if they are added
Yes, good idea... One of those "Character Creation" options. :smile: Also, killing deer/bear/wolves would also yield meat, which you could then smoke if you have a Flint & Tinder kit. Meat would be eatable, and sellable. Also, you could have a "Skinning" ability. The amount of furs/skins/meat you get from hunting animals would depend on that skill. And, how about "Animal Tracking". Animal tracks are a lot different from people tracks. There are a ton of ideas associeted with this :smile:.

I didn't dig your suggestion at first, but this second post has convinced me. It would also give people a lot more incentive to play a hunter.
armagan has already given a reply to the creatures thing here:

Whilst I think it'd be cool to have them, if they take too long to do, I'd rather have the time spent on something like designing towns and building on what's already there.
I think any type of artisan system would be very sweet in this game, but I realise it would take a lot of work to implement something like that. But just having a set of character skills related to artisan arts, and then having the ability to combine items to create a more valuable item from two less valuable items would be awesome. Food would be one thing, taken from this post, but also clothing, jewelry, tools, and even weapons and armor. It would certainly add another level of "I just can't stop playing this game!"...not that it needs it. :smile: I'm already unable to stop playing when I know I probably should

I hope armagon is able to find time to add a system like this.


Or maybe giant rats should be added to the game! Almost no game has those and they make excellent challenges for low-level characters!

On topic: I dont think bears move in packs and see now reason why a groups of deers would attack you, as they don´t eat meat.
Doksi said:
Or maybe giant rats should be added to the game! Almost no game has those and they make excellent challenges for low-level characters!

On topic: I dont think bears move in packs and see now reason why a groups of deers would attack you, as they don´t eat meat.

You're right. Bears should be alone, and deer should run away from you. I would like to see boars though. A boar hunt could be a nice chance.

BTW, nice to see other finns here.
Yeah, mallory always had king arthur and company going on boar hunts..

Guess that was a manly man thing to do.

I dont know about other animals and all the model/graphic work that would be needed but boars and hunting dogs to accompany you would be a hoot. I understand boars are quite dangerous too.
I'd thought about hunting dogs too, ones that you could even upgrade like your troops (or buy from merchants) from "terrier" through "foxhound" progressively better to "wolfhound" or "mastiff".

Whilst I think it would be infinately cool, I'm not sure how in-keeping with the M&B theme it would be.

But cool, nonetheless.
They can be pretty nasty. I take it you've never had the pleasure of seeing a frothing wild eyed herd of deer come bearing down on you, lemme tell ya, it's not something you forget in a hurry. The thundering of their razor sharp hooves tearing up the ground... the glint of sunlight off a blood-stained antler.... Remorseless predators and killers, all of em.

Don't let their cute looks fool you, inside each deer lurks a beast waiting to be freed.


Just look at em.... plotting.... waiting for their chance to gut you and your family.
heh! well in the states three times as many people are killed by deer every year than by bears :

However, sharks aren't the only animals that threaten human life. In fact, bears(45), dogs(1:cool:, spiders(15), alligators(9), and snakes(15) have all accounted for a meager smattering of human deaths per year.

But Bambi takes the cake. Deer account for more than one hundred and thirty human deaths per year. The price of these encounters is high all around. Bambi picks his victims carefully. He prefers to attack our mode of transportation; such attacks often occur in the dead of night, on lonely stretches of road with no help for miles.

Drive safe tonight.... :wink:
Now that I think of it, hundreds of people are killed in Canada each year by moose. Deer killings arn't that far of a stretch...
Shellcaster said:
Nairagorn said:
Just look at em.... plotting.... waiting for their chance to gut you and your family.

My God!! :shock: Just think the damage that beast could do to a party of black knights!

This would be like a realistic version of slaying the dragon! You'll find the deer, plotting in it's cave, surrounded by the treasure it has accumulated over the years...
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