idea for towns

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One thing i'd like to do is arrive in other towns, and see people talking to each other walking around carrying stuff and just enerally being "alive" cause zendar really lacks atmosphere. People just stand there with a blank expression on their face with their arms folded. Each town should look different in it's appearance and also, "count's tower", "smithy" and the other places in the towns should look different on the inside. They have no furniture, and just look like and empty dungeon. The player should be given the opportunity to explore the new places they visist and meet different characters and un cover different quests. Adding sounds like a market place souind, lots of people and general out doors ambient noise. They are my thoughts for improvement.
yea i like this idea too.....but i think its kind of low on the list of things to do. but hey you never know we just might get some activaty in the towns. :grin:
I also think you should get a choice of what tournament matches you take part in and what weapons you use. I have many ideas and would like to take part in its development.
charizma said:
I also think you should get a choice of what tournament matches you take part in and what weapons you use. I have many ideas and would like to take part in its development.
I believe that are several threads on tournaments and developing the arena contests. You might want to add your ideas to those threads so that others may be able to find them all in the same area.

See, for example :


Or even my own ill-conceived

But there are a lot more threads on this out there!

It is generally considered bad form in this forum to read old posts and threads, however and few do. Those earlier posts from two weeks or two months ago are considered the same as Neanderthal cave paintings: who can understand them? :smile:
last night i spent 2 hours creating a new idea for the skills. Rather than having 1 complicated screen i split it up into 4 pages. I've altered bitmap files and it looks quite cool, but can someone give me the email addy of the guy who made this game so i can send him them?
Apologies if this has been said before. But...

Could the interior of Veluca's tavern (furnished etc.) be "copied and pasted" into the empty taverns of the rest of the world (barring Zendar).
While not perfect it would be an improvement. And not time consuming for the devs I would guess?

Could the same be done to the merchants as well once a template is made?

Its probably not that simple though.
personally i should hope the rest of the towns will come more alive as the game nears final release. if they all remain static and half dead like zendar, i will be greatly disapointed. thats one of the big differences between good games and great ones; good ones have sweet gameplay as M&B already has down for the most part. great games have the gameplay and the world that you truly can get lost in--the ambient background that truly makes the world come alive. in this case populated towns with more than just the minimum stock characters standing around doing nothing.
When you walk into the tavern at zendar the ppl inside look like they are watching widescreen tv or something. :razz:
Lol ^ , I noticed that. It must be fun to stare at one location for an eternity and repeat the same line's over and over again.

I was just wondering...but how come no one sleep's ? I mean you go there at midnight and everyone is standing there still.. I reckon they should be all in bed , except maybe tavern.
WipperSnipper said:
Lol ^ , I noticed that. It must be fun to stare at one location for an eternity and repeat the same line's over and over again.

I was just wondering...but how come no one sleep's ? I mean you go there at midnight and everyone is standing there still.. I reckon they should be all in bed , except maybe tavern.
they're probably getting drunk after a day in the tourney. oh, and watching a late night movie.
Sir Saladin said:
Zendarians are very progressive people, all they need to do is capture a grey alien and force him to make a TV.

that's a good idea for a quest!!

i don't doubt that the devs are going to make everything more "alive" and will do some redecorating in various places. but first priority is making the game work like it should. fixing bugs and stuff.
give it time or make a mod.
that's all you can do
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