Idea for next update

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hey xeno i was wondering if you could put this into the battle system to where when you start a battle you can select if you want to first person control a companion troop or main character ( person you created from start). I thought this would be a good idea for companions since its kinda of a ***** to level companions up unless you can get alot of money and give them some seriusly good equipment. idk but hopefully you takr this into consideration! :mrgreen:
It's really easy to level your Companions.  Remember, they're immortal... you really have no incentive not to throw them into battles right away.

1.  Gather them as early as possible.
2.  Give them horses.
3.  Find weaker enemy units, and put them on Charge as soon as your regular troops have done some damage.
4. ...
5. Profit?
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