Idea for a new weapon: morning stars/flails

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Usally referred to as a ball and chain, it consisted of a handle that the welder would hold, which was connected to a solid metal ball by a chain.
The welder would swing the handle around, letting the ball attached by the chain gain momentum, then swing it towards the foe, exploding their skull into a million peices.

The mechanics of the weapon could work in the game by holding the attack button down to spin the ball around and let it gain momentum, much in the same way you hold the attack button down to prepare for an attack, then release it for a high damage killer attack. Damage could be based on how long you hold the button down, to simulate the way you have to spin the ball around for momentum. you could still swing the weapon in the normal way without spinning it, but do almost no damage.

The weapon itself would be blunt, with about mid 100's range, very slow to swing, bonus againt sheilds, unparryable, cant be used to parry, 2 handed, and require tons of str to use.

As for implementation issues, as it stands, making damage based on how long you hold the button down dosent exist, the different weapon animations for when the ball is idle and spinning would have to be made, and making it unparryable would have to be specialy coded, much the way croutched lance damage was specialy coded.

Hm, or for a simpler implementation and to reuse code, you could base it on the way bows/crossbows are reloaded. You shoot the weapon, and it would take a variable amount of time depending upon the bow to reload it, moving or not moving. With a ball and chain, you would swing the weapon, and you would 'reload' it while moving, but reloading is an animation of your character spinning the weapon to gain momentum.
Of course things would still have to be coded, like the weapon would 'reload' automaticlaly after each swing, and the weapon would still be considered a melee weapon and not a ranged weapon, it would just combine the characteristics of the 2.

Also, to promote more weapon variety, how about giving maximum and minimum damage to weapons, rather then just the maximum damage?
So instead of just '42s' you would have '1-42s'. You could also give some underpowered never used weapons some life by giving them higher minimum damage then the really high powered weapons.

Just some stuff to think about.
Yeah! I wanted to suggest the same, but you made it first :lol:
I see only one difficulty in implementing ball-and-chain weapons - chain animation. This could be a real headache for armagan, and maybe this is why we don't see morningstars in the game yet. But it would be really cool))
yeah the hardest thing would be making the various animations and such. well not hard, but time consuming. you could also have seveal different ball and chain models, flails were in fact morning stars but with 3 spinning heads instead of one with a shorter chain.
Ohh, I saw as much morningstar definitions as there are stars on the night sky! :lol: Sometimes a mace with sharp blades around the metal blade is called morningstar; and sometimes a morningstar is descripted as something like nunchakas - two wooden sticks connected with quite a long chain, one of them longer (handle), and the other one spiked and weightened. And sometimes morgenshtern (morningstar in Deutch) is referred to what you've descripted... But that doesn't matter much, of course) A flail was a really powerful weapon - and it needed VERY high skill not to hit yourself by an accident... It was also unmatched weapon against shields - and it was quite easy to craft, and even the least well-crafted flails were a really deadly weapon.
yeah, and having you hold the button down (the longer you hold the button down, the faster the spin animation would get, and the more damage you would do, up to a point) would make it one of those defining things in the game, much like the horse system is right now.
Flails would be cool. Unfortunately the weapon itself is made of moving parts (unlike the other weapons in the game) and it needs a very sophisticated system of animation that manipulates both the weapon mesh and the character. It can be done, I guess, but it's non-trivial. I'll think about it. :wink:
Unfortunately the weapon itself is made of moving parts (unlike the other weapons in the game) and it needs a very sophisticated system of animation that manipulates both the weapon mesh and the character.
That is just what I've said before... It is quite hard to implement, we know, but it costs it for sure)
The introduction of a flail would be excellent. If it can be done it would be yet another tremendously cool piece of technology that has been neglected in virtually every game I've ever played.
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