I would like to be able to choose who to take into combat...

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Lord Blade

I mean, sometimes... I just don't want to take my troops with me. All they do is get slaughtered anyway.

I don't mind taking my heroes. I mean, if I'm lucky, they'll hit the enemy once or twice before getting beaten senseless. But at least they don't die.

But my normal troops just get killed time and time again cause they fight rediculously stupid (running into a group of enemies for example).

And hell, they'll usually just die in a one on one fight with some weakling anyway.

So I'd like to see an option at the screen where you choose to fight or run, about what units you want to take into battle with you.

Cause I'm sick and tired of basically winning a fight single handed, but having some guy I've spent forever levelling up just run up to the last enemy standing and get killed in a shot or two.
Though that is a kind of neat idea, wouldn't it just be a better all around more effective plan to work on better AI, thus relieving this problem altogether, and similar ones?

(I think he's working on better AI, too)
Well, naturally, a better AI is always preferable.
But in the mean time, a way of making it so that soldiers I've spent ages levelling up don't just get slaughtered by a River Pirate with a dagger would be nice.

Hell, maybe even a "retreat" command, to make your guys run away.
First is suggested already, but retreat command is, actually, a very good idea.
But I guess, when morale factor will kick in, they'll do it themselves :smile:.
I disagree with you there fully, my normal troups never die, it is the heroes that die all the time
antix95 said:
I disagree with you there fully, my normal troups never die, it is the heroes that die all the time
Heroes do NEVER die. It's impossible. They can be knocked down but never killed.
If you do not want enemy to kill your troops just always have a medic with high surgery skill...
"Retreat" command already exist in game, but it do not work... :roll:

Anyway I agree with that Idea, better AI is necessary but I would like to choose my troops before battle too. Other thing is that I do NOT want them to charge from the beginning of the battle, it should be an option.
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