I wish I could change my coat of arms....

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after playing with the elk head on black background I wish I could choose a different one from the list they gave me.  There must be somewhere in the script where I can reset it, or maybe save game.  I haven't figured out where the save games are.... :smile:
Go to the mod's part of this forum and under 'Native Compatible.....' in the sticky area is one for changing banners.  It will allow you to pick a new one from the one's the game offers.

There's also some place in the threads one called 'banner modifier'' something close to that that explains how to import a drawing, internet or whatnot picture and overlay it on your existing banner.

Banners are found in the texture area of the program file and need a .dll program opener like paint.net.  Big thing to remember is to make a copy of the original prior to changing anything, just in case...
Another question- does your banner appear on any ingame items, like the armor with a surcoat? Or is it only displayed on the map/ near your trunk thing during battles? I've always gone for the more high-end armor(and always been short on money because of it), so I've never really gotten an opportunity to check.
Also on the banner flying above your city, castle and plastered all over the lords hall and walls.

There's 2 types of helraldic surcoats, one is listed as I've written it and it will change to show your's and the other I think says surcoat w/helraldy on it and it won't show on it.

On mine, if the surcoat or shield is a quartered green and black then that's the one that works.  The metal or red and black shields don't change.  Also I'm playing the Native Improved Mod and the Nord's Viking Shields (which have symbols on them) will change.

If you're using stock banner symbols then they'll be centered correctly on the surcoat or shield.  If you've imported one as I did you have to size and position it just right.  As it is, mine loses part of the symbols top on certain shields.
What happened to the third armor anyway? There were three armors with surcoats/tabards to display the coat of arms. I personally enjoyed the missing one the most. :sad:
IceShade said:
What happened to the third armor anyway? There were three armors with surcoats/tabards to display the coat of arms. I personally enjoyed the missing one the most. :sad:
It was removed with 1.0
I haven't checked if it is possible to recreate it with the item editor.
I honestly can't think of a reason to *remove* it. Why decrease variety? There was nothing wrong with it stats wise, nor graphical.
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