Simply editing the Game menus in the unnofficial module tools.SilentBob said:How'd you do it? All my attempts to do that result in failure.
Congrats though
Juno said:Actually I dont know how to do it with either of the mod tools. I used the xp script and buffed that up to giving me 16mil (thats the highest) and yeah I got all that. The really funny thing is it gave the same xp to marnid and borcha at the same time!
I havnt had time to eplore the new mod tools but hopefully when I do I'm going to make something REALLY crazy!
GhostThaxian said:Yeah, mine gives around 15,700,000 mill or sommat.
Hee hee, yeah, and you can't even hit anyone. Still cool though.GhostThaxian said:Yeah, mine gives around 15,700,000 or sommat. Not quite 16, though I told it to give me 900 mill =P
I don't think party heros can get over 59, but I could be wrong.
You don't want that much Agility Leodan, believe me, I tried o_o
You just barely tap the forward button in like, Zender, and POOF your on a roof.
Tap it again and you'll be somewhere else amazing.
Was so nuts.