Need More Info I was executed twice

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No, I didn't use any mods.
How to Reproduce:
Have you used cheats and if so which:
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Computer Specs:
Processor --Intel(R) Core(tm) 8700 cpu
@3.20GHz 3.19Ghz
Ram- 16.0GB (15.8 usable)
64bit ops x64 based processor
win 10
I have been executed twice.. one in 1.6. something. and again in 1.7.0
the game let me choose a heir. and then . that was the end. just shows a sprite on a horse in the middle of a town. its a over head view.. cant move. or save or anything.
so no saves. I had to roll back the game. is there a time limit to wait? or is it broken?
thanks. I thought I should let you know..
I still love the game.
Hey, thank you for letting us know. If you encounter the issue again please share a save file with us if you can. I will inform the QA team about the issue but i doubt they can reproduce the issue without a save file. Thank you for your time.
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