"I was a king, now I'm a peasant!" also known as the "auxiliary player" feature

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The new feature for 1257ad. The first test version of it is available now on our SVN(79 revision). What this feature does, is that the player will take control of one of the troops under his command. So no more waiting a half-of-hour for a large battle to end! The transaction happens after up to 10 seconds after the player is killed(can happen sooner!). He will instantly take control one of his troops. The feature is at an very early stage right now(I've writen the code last evening/night. So it's a few hours of work). So while testing I did not encounter any serious bugs, there is a couple of things that you, as a player, should take note.

Errors. In red. This is because there are missing restrictions in certain triggers/scripts that do not take account of the possible player transaction to one of the troops. They are harmless, as far as I can tell(it will not produce a game-breaking bug). All of them should be reported to me - make a screenshot, take them from the logs(thanks!).

Things that is not bugs and should not be reported. Most of them can't be avoided(not in a simple way). So they are here to stay
1. The when the player takes control of a troop - the scripts knocks off the troop and spawns a new player as that troop. This causes two things:
a. Sometime the troop that is knocked out does not get teleported correctly. So he might get knocked out in front of you.
b. Troop that the player take control off will get wounded status in the campaign map as well.
2. If the player takes control of a mounted troop in a siege this will get the player to start by falling down. This is because the mount gets spawned and instantly removed.
3. Equipping items as a random troop at the player chest can possibly cause some funny things to happen. Including items disappearing. Best to avoid it for now, until I can figure a way to fix this.

Other anomalies are probably bugs and should be reported as well. :smile:
Tonight I had a neverending battle (half an hour, not joking) in which I obviously died...it was so frustrating to wait until the end!
So many thanks, Doc, this is a GREAT feature! Can we decide which troop to be? What happens when that troop dies?
The casualty rate is counted correctly. Ie if you're controled troop dies, it should count as a casualty. I should actualy test this more  :mrgreen:

Now that I think about, I could avoid the konck-out effect as well

I have a proposition:When you die in battle you permanently
become the peasant you take control of :cool:
Wouldn't that be thrilling?

Ehm,in second thought it might not be so good...
Great, and also good on the rare occasions a single enemy gets lost or stuck at the end. Error messages relating to scripts, can be seen, but no actual errors in gameplay.
Glycerius said:
Great, and also good on the rare occasions a single enemy gets lost or stuck at the end. Error messages relating to scripts, can be seen, but no actual errors in gameplay.

does not tell me much whitout seeing the errors for my self. :smile:

I think I also fixed one nasty bug relating with this system. hopefully it won't reaper in some funny way or form.
One problem is that the side can decide to hold ground and not charge, even under enemy fire. I can post the error messages, except you probably know them.
Glycerius said:
One problem is that the side can decide to hold ground and not charge, even under enemy fire.

The way this game handles archer-infantry interactions has some room for improvement. Infantry group never attacks archers first, but goes for the enemy infantry group. Even if the archers are 10 meters away, but infantry - 50 meters, they will ignore the archers and get shot to pieces.

Also I miss a command for my troops to fall under the command of the ally general. Is that possible to make?
The last feature would be very nice to have in big battles, because there is no real point in leading 10 men or so on your own.
Glycerius said:
One problem is that the side can decide to hold ground and not charge, even under enemy fire. I can post the error messages, except you probably know them.
... No I don't, post them. Thanks :razz:

souleater said:
Glycerius said:
One problem is that the side can decide to hold ground and not charge, even under enemy fire.

The way this game handles archer-infantry interactions has some room for improvement. Infantry group never attacks archers first, but goes for the enemy infantry group. Even if the archers are 10 meters away, but infantry - 50 meters, they will ignore the archers and get shot to pieces.

Also I miss a command for my troops to fall under the command of the ally general. Is that possible to make?

Yes. Become a marshal, or have your own faction.

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So i made little tryouts and i then finally found that if you have just companions and no other in-game troops except them, the "auxiliary" is not working even if checked in mod options. This is weird because in previous revisions i know for sure that sometimes it turned me into my companions. It means that something went wrong (from italian rev., i think 81) or that the feature is on just if you have some other troops, and i beg for turning it on also for companions, if possible or not too difficult

edit: Never mind, then
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