I want to die!

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I love the game, and I'm sure I will love it even more when more content is added in.

However, one of the major gripes I have is that there aren't serious consequences. The main character and his/her heroes are invulnerable. They can be knocked out, and battles can be lost resulting in troops getting wiped out and goods stolen, but that isn't high-stakes enough for me. IMHO, part of the fun in playing a game like this is beating incredible odds, and part of the "drama" or excitement comes from risking something.

Perhaps it could be an option to choose (much like the saving option). Or, better yet, maybe it could be an in-game thing: when your hit poins get reduced to under 10% your opponents give you the option to yield and live, so long as you pay a ransom. If you do not yield, you fight on, and if you are reduced to 0 hit points, you're a goner (or possibly, there is a random chance of unconsciousness or death). That way you have some control over whether you want to risk death. While I realize M&B isn't a medieval sim, it obviously draws a lot of its material from the middle ages, and ransoming was a huge part of battles. Lords rarely ransomed their "expendable" troops, but they often paid for their own lives as well as other knights/men-at-arms/etc.

If ransoming were included, and you had the cash to afford it, you could offset some of your troop's deaths as well if you opted to go that route rather than fight on. The choice would be the player's, but the risk would really heighten the excitement. You'd be a little pickier about what troops you chose to fight against as well. Especially if you're playing the "tougher" save option.

Along the same lines, the NPC should definitely be killable. Now, I would like this option more if there were more than two of them--that way you could find some replacements should comrades fall. But again, having more at stake makes the game a lot more enjoyable.

(remembers the Highlander movies...)

Who wants, to live, foreverrrrrrr


seriously, there should be an "Hardcore" option where you can actually die,
but in my opinion the "regular"-"immortal" mode should be in too...

By the way, first post! yay!
I second this. I do want to be able to die.

I'd prefer though when I am knocked unconscious that the battle continue. It's annoying to have 22 of my men and 3 of theirs and I take a bad crossbow bolt and I'm down...

for that matter, how come they hit ME with crossbow bolts but my men never hit them?
nox said:
I second this. I do want to be able to die.

I'd prefer though when I am knocked unconscious that the battle continue. It's annoying to have 22 of my men and 3 of theirs and I take a bad crossbow bolt and I'm down...

for that matter, how come they hit ME with crossbow bolts but my men never hit them?

Yeah, i wanna loose my head :twisted:
I'm so glad everyone shares my views. I think that perhaps dying straight out however is a bad idea.

I think in "death on" mode there should be:

1) a high chance of permenant HP damage (when knocked unconcious)

2) an likely chance of Attribute damage.

3) a fair chance of death.
Otto, I agree that dying straight out could be bad. I think the ransoming feature I suggested could minimize that though. If you hit the spot where the enemy asks you to yield (this could just be a repeat of the initial enemy "dialogue" screen that gives you the option: "Ransom you and your men" or "Continue to fight"), you would probably have a decent idea if you have a good chance to survive or not. If you fight on and lose, well, bad things happen. It could default to a chance of perm HP loss, attribute loss, outright death, whatever. And if this was an option you could turn on/off, everybody could still play the way they wanted. I have minimal coding experience, but I don't think this would be too hard to implement.
it's already in the game. When you get knocked unconsious with a non-blunt weapon, press Esc, then go to Restore a Game, then click on the name of the game you just played, then click on delete and voila.
tsuken said:
it's already in the game. When you get knocked unconsious with a non-blunt weapon, press Esc, then go to Restore a Game, then click on the name of the game you just played, then click on delete and voila.

Pretty silly thing to say...
And just to carry it a little further, the same thing could work the other way too. If the suggestion to create NPC leaders/generals made it in the game, and you captured one, instead of just selling him as a slave, you could either: a) coerce him into swearing allegiance and joining your party; b) give him the option to ransom himself off (give you items or a decent chunk of change to be released).
Yeah, permanent death would suck. They do however need the option to change attack direction, but there needs to be more balance between those attacks. As it is right now, why do a sideslash when you can do an overhead swing and get a headshot?... And while i can't really be against having the option for a "hardcore" mode, i don't think anyone could really enjoy it. Its like what happened on Diablo 2. Anyone who got to a decent level on hardcore did so by fighting weak little guys for hours on end to level up so the next tier of enemies were easier(repeat process). Or they joined a party and just sat back and stole exp for the most part. It was simply for bragging rights and nothing more, you just had to be willing to be a panzy and endure a rather boring game to get those rights. And that game didn't have as much randomness of M&B. Imagine how frustrating it would be to lose your level 35 character because a lucky bolt hits you in the head? I had someone deal 75 damage too me once, and yes, i was wearing full black. But again, so long as its a toggle, i'd be fine with it i guess. Keep things customizable and everyones happy! :smile:
tsuken said:
Why? Isn't that what they want?

That's not a very elegant solution. I'm arguing for something that adds another dimension to combat (ransoming) and others are arguing for something with more variety to it (maybe a chance of death, or a chance of ability loss/perm HP loss). Your solution "works" but it defeats any immersion in the game, and doesn't have any subtlety.
That's not a very elegant solution. I'm arguing for something that adds another dimension to combat (ransoming) and others are arguing for something with more variety to it (maybe a chance of death, or a chance of ability loss/perm HP loss). Your solution "works" but it defeats any immersion in the game, and doesn't have any subtlety.

Absolutely right!

it's already in the game. When you get knocked unconsious with a non-blunt weapon, press Esc, then go to Restore a Game, then click on the name of the game you just played, then click on delete and voila.

Dude, if you hadn't noticed; deleting my character was exactly what I did just today! :smile:

...(hmm might have been on another thread :???: )...
I think just putting in an Iron Man toggle would fix it. Sets difficulty to maximum and kills players knocked out with nonblunt weapons. Plenty of other games have this and incorporating as an option into M&B shouldn't be hard. It's just a nice option for folks looking to really test themselves. Sure, you could just delete a game but going in knowing you're playing Iron Man gives some players a real rush with zero chance to change your mind later.
In newbie stage, you do get the *hit kicked out of you a lot. You resurect yourself and build up your experience, etc. This is better than just dying and having to start again (IMO).

You could easily make your own criteria and stick with it. Honor code. You decide something like, "If I get so knocked around that I have to get my troops to finish two battle rounds without me, I'm dead" and you delete your character.

I understand the need for stakes, but for me at this point, my stakes are the harder-to-raise party characters and the party balance. Hired Blades and Sword Sisters are things I like having, and if they get wiped out, I'm bummed. Takes a while to reconstruct the party.
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