I want them to run, to beg - or to pay!!!!

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Who wouldn't know this situation:

You're the leader of a fine army of let's say 10 Knights, 12 Sharpshooters, 1 or two "Heroes" and some other "knights-in-training".
Out of some reason - and though you've allready killed more bandits than there are trees in the land - a bunch of pirates crosses your way and demands money for safe passing. After a short while, the bunch is "somehow" reduced to let's say 5 or 6, whereas your army still counts at least twenty. Fighting goes on, you ride your noble steed right through the remaining enemies, and even though every of your blows make one of them fall, the remaining "wandering XP-points" are still running towards you.
No screaming, no moral dropping, no begging mercy, no trying to escape, no surrender...
Get the point?

If one was the leader of an infamous and undefeated army which bested enemies whose numbers were 10 times higher - don't you think one would deserve a little bit more "respect"? If one sees someone riding through somebody ranks harvesting lives - wouldn't one think about changing tactics?

To make a long story short:
:arrow: I would like to see fighters (even from my own army) fleeing from battle or dropping on their knees surrendering, begging for mercy. (Especially this noble man whom I'm always told to capture alive :smile:) I want people fall before my knees without beeing decapitated :twisted:

:arrow: I would like caravan masters or bandits offering me some of their wares (or prisoners) if I would only let them go.

Would'n this make the world a better - and less deadly - place?

not sure about that less deadly 'cos i'd just throw a javelin in the back of a fleeing enemy, and walk behind the kneeled coward begging for mercy and slam his head off with my axe.

come to think of it. I'D REALLY LIKE TO DO THOSE THINGS. :twisted:
But doesn't it take some guts to kneel on the battlefield to pray for mercy, that is if one doesn't have a weapon to defend oneself. Fleeing = ok. Caravans paying you off = great.
Fleeing would fit very well, so would the 'negotiations' with caravans. But no praying...
The whole praying thing would be awesome, but would make battles much easier. As to the others, I like them very much. I'd especially like fleeing enemies, or enemies trying to pay you off beforehand.
How about, instead of the prisoner capture screen, a real time thing? The prisoners stand there, sans weapons, and you either talk to them and capture them, talk to them and set them free, or lop their heads off with your war axe? :twisted:
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