I wanna be a Khergit!

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I was wondering if the Khergits were ever intended to be a joinable faction, it would be really cool for a horse-archer character to join the Mongolian horde style Khergits. Maybe the Golden Horde aspect of the Khergits could be enhanced by adding another type of Khergit party, the "Khergit Invaders". Invaders would be a much larger party, roughly double the size of an average War party, consisting entirely of Khergit horsemen. It would make horse archers seem like less of an oddity in the game, because currently they only seem to be a very small part of the Vaegir army (Horsemen).

I really want to charge some peasnats down screaming "FOR THE HORDE!!!"
I wanna be an airborne ranger,
I wanna live a life of danger.

wait wait, I had something to contribute! The Khergits need those ponies that the mongolians rode on.
Well, you can take both Marnid and Borcha in your party. Than you should give them horses, bows, khergit armor and nomad caps. And the same equipment for yourself. And you will have a small khergit warparty. :grin: :grin: :grin:
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