I took a town (to my surprise) but then it was awarded to someone else? Rage!!!!

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I attacked the town of Sumo with another Rodhok Lord, i was something like 150 vs 300, but about 170 of them came out of the keep to defend it, they were wiped pretty easily by my higher-tiered troops and my big sword.

Much to my surprise we took the town relatively easily, as it had two ladders going up the walls. Fast forward, I take the town, then 1 day later the King awards it someone else saying I have too many Fiefs. I have 1 castle and 2 villages at the time, my standing with the King was also somewhat low at 25 (he kept giving me the same dumb-ass quest I didn't want to do).

Anyway, this really sucked...and I'm wondering if it's just a question of standing? My reknown is about 800, and honor at 100, and i'm in very good standing with almost every Rhodok Lord. And to toot my own horn I play at 111% difficulty :wink:

Any tips are appreciated, a town would help pay my ridiculously high wages.
One thousand renown would guarantee you get the settlement, your first settlement. The second one would have a good chance of going to another lord if there's a lord in you faction with an extremely large amount of renown than you.
Swadius said:
One thousand renown would guarantee you get the settlement, your first settlement. The second one would have a good chance of going to another lord if there's a lord in you faction with an extremely large amount of renown than you.

My rule of thumb and it hasn't failed me yet is to attack what I don't want first. I capture a half dozen towns/castles and then finally attack what I do want. I always pass up the reward until then, and I get it 99% of the time. When you start you should get something (by joining a faction). So essentially you're making sure everyone else gets their piece of the pie before you rate one. So it takes a few captures. Renown should help too as mentioned above.
Lord Shields said:
My rule of thumb and it hasn't failed me yet is to attack what I don't want first. I capture a half dozen towns/castles and then finally attack what I do want. I always pass up the reward until then, and I get it 99% of the time. When you start you should get something (by joining a faction). So essentially you're making sure everyone else gets their piece of the pie before you rate one. So it takes a few captures. Renown should help too as mentioned above.

Now that you mention it, I also seem to use this method, although I usually take a loosely defended castle before handing out properties. I've noticed a staging area makes it much easier to take that much desired well defended settlement.
Yeah it's always worked for me. Everyone has their own little tricks or tips that work for them... that's one that works for me.
Renown, the number of fiefs you (and every other lord in your faction) own and whether you've taken the castle by yourself or not are the main non-random factors that determine whether you get a castle or not - there's a nice tweak by TheMageLord which lets you see and change how much each factor comes into play - in native, relation with the king has only a very marginal effect unfortunately if you don't mod it.

You also shouldn't forget that, when you join a faction, you get assigned another Lord's fief (the one Lord from your faction which seems to be angry at you for no reason) - therefore, it's usually best to first capture some place you don't want just as Lord Shields said, since it's VERY likely that the first castle/town you conquer will go to that fiefless lord. Always capturing two or three castles first (without demanding them) really helps when you want to get your first town.
Thanks for all the feedback, my reknown is almost at 900 and i've been suckng up to the King, so hopefully that will help.

One issue is that I play the game at max difficulty, i have 90 men now, but most castles i'm unable to solo, let alone towns of course, all the castles that i've sieged have been with the NPCs, Suno I took with 1 other NPC, that's the closest thing I've come to soloing a castle.

So i'm hoping reknown + relation with the King will be enough, i asked the King for Suno when I captured it, but he said no, so hopefully that doesn't work against me for the next future town i want to get, which is probably Narra because Kergits bug the hell out of me.
Idk what to tell you personally i'm in the same boat, ive one village, and i quite litterally took every castle and major city of the swadians ALONE and requested everyone i took and guess what out of like 30 sieges ive recieved no fiefs, every other nordic lord has 3-4 fiefs ive just a village.

Renown is 900, honor like 430, yea.... its annoyingly disapointing to play .
How can you only have 90 guys if you have a castle and two fiefs? Do those fiefs not like you, or something? How much do you typically pay for wages every week? If you've only got 90 guys - and you're a Rhodok - it can't be more than 1000, right? Even if you have 90 swadian nights, the wages are around 1500, I think.

Your fiefs should pull in at minimum 400 every week, probably closer to 600 or 700 if you're taking care of them (doing the occasional quest, building mills, stopping them from being raided). When I am at the 2 village/1 castle phase, can usually supply the rest just by buying the cheap products from the villages, storing them in my castle, and then doing a trading run when I fill up the castle's chest.

Then again, I usually start as a high-charisma character. It's more profitable if you start with 4 trading, or so. But you can still rack up about about about 2000 denarii without much effort (in my current game, I owned two Vaegir villages and a castle, so I just ran the furs, wool, and tools over to the Khergits for spice, salt, and pottery; so that definitely expanded profit margins).

I got really pissed in my current game when I shorted a town: the worst part was, one of my friendly lords got the town, so I couldn't really be mad at him or the King (my friend had lost one fief). But I took the next one I grabbed. Once you take one, the next will be easier.

Oh, and I play on 150% or so.
Take your 900 denars and stfu :smile:

I've captured every town of the Swadians, Nords and Rhodoks and have been awarded Tihr, Uxkhal and Yalen. Not a bad trio, though I would rather Jelkala than Yalen.
Niv said:
Take your 900 denars and stfu :smile:

I've captured every town of the Swadians, Nords and Rhodoks and have been awarded Tihr, Uxkhal and Yalen. Not a bad trio, though I would rather Jelkala than Yalen.

try giving some useful input into the thread instead of some hollow bragging.

Presumably you're playing on very low difficulty anyway.

@OP: it's unfotunate yeah but that's just the way it goes when there's a chance of random things happening.

My advice would be to go (completely) solo for a while and boost your renown.

Then build up your army again and go for another town.
i once heard a (good?) advice which seemed to work for most people who used it.
the first 3 times you take over a settlement click on the option "dont ask for any reward" you will bound to get town/castle 4 and 5.
EDIT: Completely replied in wrong thread xD

In regards to the OP, it's really a case of having good Reknown, although the random aspect is a bit iffy.

Have you tried MageLords tweaks to make the grant rate more reasonable?
Yup, kings are bastards sometimes... I just conquer some castles first, attack no reward, and THEN go for a city... and when you got the city then ask for a reward. And if the king still doesn't grant it to you, just rebel and hold on to your properties.
Kronic said:
EDIT: Completely replied in wrong thread xD

In regards to the OP, it's really a case of having good Reknown, although the random aspect is a bit iffy.

Have you tried MageLords tweaks to make the grant rate more reasonable?

Thanks! I 've thought about it, but wasn't sure if I could run 2 mods at once? I'm trying to run the game as native as possible, just my own thing, before i start trying new things (except battle sizer).

My reknown is at 870 right now, so I'll keep plugging away and getting it over a 1000, and see what happens (i.e. save game) hehe. I'm at turn 180 I think, and have 92 men at my command, someone said that's quite low? I dunno, i've been doing 50/50 points into charisma/leadership and my combat skills, i think at around 110-120 I should be able to solo more castles with high tier guys.

Well all good stuff, have you ever looked tweaking the morale script? I have to say the morale with even a party of 90 is a pain to maintain, when I have to travel far to do some quests and not much combat in between!
You need to go and ***** slap you're king. Plain and simple!  :razz:

Say I've had enough of this, stop mucking around and give me my god damn castle! And if that fails, take his city off of him. Thats what I did with Ragnar! He got it back in like one month but I just ran off with the garrison and all the goodies. Had to prove a point!
Back the claimant- that's what I did when Yaroglek pist me off.  If you're buddies with all the lords you should have no problems, and you get to choose who gets what.  I kept all the cities and gave away the fiefs and castles, because I had planned on rebelling from the rebel.  Once I did rebel, all the fiefs became mine as well!
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