not sure if this is a bug or just a personal cock-up of somesort, so i post it here.
anyways, i picked a fight with swadian caravan, consisting mostly of men-at-arms and crossbowmen. i had a twohander so my tactic was the infamous ''circle-and-hack''. everything was going well. i had thinned their ranks nicely when the strange thing happened. all of a sudden my horse just stopped, like it had hit a tree, except there weren't any obstacles, no trees,bushes stones or other horses in fron of me. it didn't rear, just stopped. well i managed to survive with just a few blows to my horse (courser). i was back in business when it happened again. different part of the map, again, no obstacles, complete stop. this time the buggers managed to get my horse. and with 10 or so heavy mounted opponents, i naturally didn't have a shot (athletics 0)
so has this happened to others, or you think i just somehow managed to hit something?
anyways, i picked a fight with swadian caravan, consisting mostly of men-at-arms and crossbowmen. i had a twohander so my tactic was the infamous ''circle-and-hack''. everything was going well. i had thinned their ranks nicely when the strange thing happened. all of a sudden my horse just stopped, like it had hit a tree, except there weren't any obstacles, no trees,bushes stones or other horses in fron of me. it didn't rear, just stopped. well i managed to survive with just a few blows to my horse (courser). i was back in business when it happened again. different part of the map, again, no obstacles, complete stop. this time the buggers managed to get my horse. and with 10 or so heavy mounted opponents, i naturally didn't have a shot (athletics 0)
so has this happened to others, or you think i just somehow managed to hit something?