I need help....please

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I have been playing now for about a month and i cant seem to find any parties of dark knights or hunters running around. I have heard they are the hardest enemies to fight and i want to fight them. If someone could tell me maybe where they spawn or where i can find them that would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

The Dark Hunters are mostly seen in the Vaegir side of the map. And I rarely see them near Tihr, Sargoth or Zendar. They love the delicious taste of refugees and farmers. :cool:

If I see an army of 30-39 Dark Hunters/Knights, I just run! :grin: I wait for them to go down in numbers before I attack.

Anyway, what's your setting? What's your leadership points?

In my setting, I use Normal/Good AI/Large Battles. Try to increase your leadership points so the enemies' numbers/size also increase. That's what I notice.
They chase farmers and refugees. You will always see them engaged against these peeps. :grin:

The most times I've seen them are near Reyvadin, Uxhal, and the Four Ways Inn (he-he, catchy name).

Black Khergits are mostly stationed near Tulga and Reyvadin.

Steppe Bandits are mostly in between Halmar and Jelkalla.

Sea Raiders mostly near Zendar, Tihr and Rivacheg (around those areas).

Mountain and Forest bandits are found near the forests.

Swadian and Vaegir deserters are all over the place as well, but especially in a wide radius from the center of the map.

If you want tough battles, just stay along the midline of the map. There's a lot of Dark Hunters, Black Khergit Horsemen, Steppe Bandits and Swadian Deserter Crossbowmen there. Sea Raiders are tought too if your army does not use ranged weapons.

Try to increase your leadership points so the enemies' numbers/size also increase. That's what I notice.

I'm not sure what you mean by this Quietus. To my knowledge leadership has nothing to do with the size of enemy parties. I'm pretty sure only your level affects it...i could be wrong though. But i did have a priest who had a large army at level 10 (i.e. lots of leadership), and parties seem about the same size as they were with my level 10 solo character.
i believe they spwn at towns, one time i was escorting a carawn to wercheg and a party came right at me, but then again they could have been waiting BY the town.......

DaLagga said:
Try to increase your leadership points so the enemies' numbers/size also increase. That's what I notice.

I'm not sure what you mean by this Quietus. To my knowledge leadership has nothing to do with the size of enemy parties. I'm pretty sure only your level affects it...i could be wrong though. But i did have a priest who had a large army at level 10 (i.e. lots of leadership), and parties seem about the same size as they were with my level 10 solo character.
DaLagga, if that's the case, then I'm mistaken :smile:

I'm now at level 20 and there's 50+ Dark Hunters. That's normal on solo?
Those dark hunters are a constant battle for me. I'm playing a 28 level cavalry guy with a large party, maybe that makes a difference but I remember getting slaughtered by them when I was only level 9.
Ugh. Cavalry vs cavalry. That gets messy fast. I've seen a battle where two large groups of Knights met each other halfway across a river. They all clump together into one giant conglomerate of wailing swords and dying horses. I can guarantee in these situations you'll lose as many men as the enemy will.
hehe yeah, I know what you are talking about, it gets weird when they clump up like that. That's when I go Berserk and break it up with my mighty Tombstone Piledriver (TM).
Yeah, because oddly enough, cavalry vs cavalry is almost the same as infantry vs infantry. Both groups of cavalry run into each other (comming to a complete stop) and they might as well be on foot since they're just sitting there swinging the whole time.
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