i need a better bow - can i make one, or where to find

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I am tired of trying to snipe with a huge target area, even with a bow of 70 accuracy and a archery skill of over 200......where can i get a better bow, and if not how do i get into the mod and change the settings on the bow accuracy???

Thanks a lot, i Love this game, and the expansion really takes it up a notch.....lots of interesting stuff to do, so open ended.

thanks again

i figured ivory bow....what i am after is how to get one, and/or change settings to make it more accurate. I just love head shots.

Ivory Bow has 99 out of 100 accuracy, once you try it you'll be pleased I think
The Royal Ashwood has 93 accuracy and I have no problems aiming it, so I cant imagine what an Ivory would be like at this point.
There's a case to be made that the Ivory Bow is almost too good, but perhaps that's compensated for by the sacrifices you need to make to get one:

If you raise your renown over 50 with Yaroglek he'll give you one. Think you may have to be a vassal too, therefore your prospective Swadian Knight character will have to swallow his pride in the early game and enlist with the Vaegirs.

Alternatively, you can pour points into the Looting skill, keep attacking Vaegir patrols with Ivory Archers in them, and eventually you will loot one. God knows what your looting skill needs to be though. This is the more difficult path (because I feel you don't need more than 5 in Looting for the game in general and anything above that is a waste)
Durf said:
Ivory Bow has 99 out of 100 accuracy, once you try it you'll be pleased I think
The Royal Ashwood has 93 accuracy and I have no problems aiming it, so I cant imagine what an Ivory would be like at this point.
The thing about the Royal Ashwood Bow is, that the Power Draw requirements are rather low (4 for the normal version and 6 for the 'Strong' one if I'm not mistaken). So if you've got some* money to spare it's a good choice 'early' in the game.

*a fricking lot of money actually
they defeated elephant riders about 100 years before your birth... and the ivory is stored in the palace. they make ivory bows only for the bravest. The khergits have some ivory themselves, but they only make arrows...

Josef_the_Pretender said:
So, eh...the Vaegirs live on the tundra; where do they get the ivory to carve the bows out of then?

The Vaegirs are modelled on historical factions in the russian bit of the world, and today russia exports large amounts of ivory legally from mammuths long dead and buried in perma frost, so i'd say it's about as realistic as you get.
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