I miss my Arban

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Knight at Arms
I rescued this guy from a Vaegir town I has sieged, oo, way back now. Anyway, at first he was a pain in the ass, messing up my troop tree ambitions and generally getting in the way. After a while though, I noticed what a survivor he was, always first to charge and not too shabby in a siege, either. It came as a great shock when he set off at a clip to attack a band of dark knights, only to be cut down by their infantry and smashed into a thin paste under their boots. So sad. Happily, my one remaining nord Skarl survived, even mixing it up with the infantry at the end and taking down some DKs. Here's to you dead Arban, may all your carousing in the afterlife smell vaguely of horses.

So do you have a survivor in your army, that you kind of hate but who just keeps on killin'?
I loved this guy, from the group of three crusaders I rescued only one survived their first tough fight and as a crusader knight he fought with me for 70 days until I decided to sacrifice him to rhodoks because queen Katilus asked for it. Now I wish I hadn't.
Its funny when you watch your 1 peasent woman among the masses of other men slowly rise, but surely become more powerful then them, puts a tear in me eye it does.  :cry:
These stories are truly affecting *sniff*

I have an Ivory Archer who is shaping up well - lots of kills in sieges (because he is unique, you notice him a lot more), and tearing into opponents in the field when I forget about him and don't tell him to hold position, and he seems indestructible. In other words, he is on the cusp of greatness. But now I have read this thread, I'm nervous for him and will have to retire him to archer heaven, Rindyar Castle.
In .57 I was attacking some Sea Raiders near Sargoth. They were joined by 12 Barons, prior invisible on the world map. I managed to take 6 of them captive and convinced them to join me a few days later. They fought with me the whole time I used this character. Of course they were thined out, but the klast two of them were near immortal. I seriously lost count of how many times they were knocked out, only to join my army a few days later.

In .582 I justg rescued one Ivory Archer and one Einherjar from some Desperate Bandits near Khudan. I really hope they will survive long enough to start some role playing with them.
I had this lonely female mercenary that I captured after a skirmish near Sargoth in my young days.
I badly needed troops at the time, so I offered her to join, and she accepted. I used to put her in the rear, at first, and cared to ride and defend her when she was in a bad situation.
Anyway, battle after battle, she leveled, to become the only live Valkyrie Queen in all Calradia.

She made me so very proud, as I saw her name appear in the killing log. "Rhodok spearman killed by Valkyrie Queen", "Elder Etrosq knocked unconscious by Valkyrie Queen", etc.

When she died on the walls of Praven, savagely murdered by a DK Unholy Crusader, I swear to god I heard her last cry.

I remained motionless for a few minutes.
Then I payed tribute to her by burning two DK villages in her memory.
But vengeance only left a bittersweet, metallic taste of frustration and powerlessness in my mouth.  :sad:

My very special Queen, that's what she was.

Ok, I know this is getting ridiculous, but…..

I retired my Ivory Archer to Rindyar Castle, as above. This castle was my staging post for Vaegir world domination, and held 350 Marksmen, Varangian Berserkers and Guards. However, my archer always occupied the same position on the battlements, and I could ‘talk’ to him whenever I took a walk around the ramparts. 

After a while, it became apparent to me that no matter how many castles I conquered on behalf of the Vaegirs, they weren’t able to hold them, so I did the honourable thing and renounced my oath to Yaroglek. Big mistake, as I accidentally  gave up all my fiefs, including the now-impregnable Rindyar Castle.

Every so often when I passed by, I’d check out the garrison. Ivor the Archer  was still there. I stopped in to check out the courtyard, and – oh, unhappy day! – found that he was still in position but was now telling me to mind my manners when I was in his castle.

Time passed….Yaroglek, the scheming bastard, declares war on me. So now, I’m going to have to retake Rindyar. And as I know Ivor’s exact location on the walls, I’m going to have to kill him…stone dead.

That probably won’t be soon though, as I’ll need about 1000 men to take this fortress, otherwise I'll get my anthropomorphic ass kicked in the attempt.

But damn you , Ivor. Your day will come…
Poor Ivor... give your old buddy a good death. I think he's earned it. Anyway, in my early days of my current file I attacked a small group of bandits, who were badly injured with half their members knocked out and only 6 guys left to fight. I butchered them, and let their one prisoner: a crusader, join my army. He was magnificent. I can't even recall the number of times I saw him at the front of a massive, glorious cavalry charge, leading my cavaliers. He actually reached (I think this was it) Master Templar, after many an amazing battle. He was my best soldier, and always took down at least 10 guys per fight, often much more. Eventually, I broke off from the Holy Swadian Empire and began to destroy them. With only Praven remaining, and all of their lords within it that I hadn't captured yet, I attacked. There were at least 500 defenders there, and I had 200 men. It was a slaughter, but my Master Templar fell in that battle. I remember seeing him fighting. I was cleaving through men with my Claymore that I looted from a battle with the Nords, when I saw him surrounded by hordes of Swadian men. He was cleaving them apart, but getting overwhelmed, so I rushed to help him. I killed many of the guys surrounding him, but eventually a Swadian Crusader struck him down. In an interesting coincidence, the lag spiked at that exact moment, causing him to fall off the wall IN SLOW MOTION. It was one of the most epic deaths I've ever seen, due to the amazing odds he faced and the slow motion fall off the walls.

EDIT: Forgot to put the story I wanted to.
Poor Ivor lol, atleast give him a death by your own sword.

For me it was an Unholy crusader i rescued from a swadian lord, he fought bravely, striking down a dozen enemies every battle. he was with me for over 100 days, until one fateful day that i met Queen Katilus in battle, she was the Last of the swadian lords (who didnt just camp in Suno)

i was right next to him in a cavalry charge into the heart of Katilus and her Paladins. i would see his name in the killing log, Paladin killed by Unholy Crusader. Paladin killed by Unholy crusader.

he must of taken down atleast 10 men, but at that time he was de-horsed. i remember seeing him, he was fighting a crusader and all of a sudden a Lord Blackguard rode by, he had arrived in the wave of enemy reinforcements,

my Unholy Crusader was cut down in front of me.

sad face.
Better idea for Ivor, get a warhammer, track ivor down, and hit him over the head, keep him in prisoners tell he says yes.

By the way, the best plave for archers that I find is Gunwalder, its a long hill to the castle, on either side of ladder is archery positions. On other mod I had 150 guys in there 50% archers, being attacked by 600 guys. They gave after first wave. I lost 3(1 killed), they lost 98, couple wounded.
A single blademaster. He was my only infantryman. I once sent him into a gruop of 25ish bandits and he came out blood soaked and victorious. I was trying to get him killed. But after that he led the garrison at Reyvedin in luxury. He earned it!
Mine wasn't on this version, but it was a swadian knight. No matter how many lancers managed to die(I usually keep 20-30 lancers, so it happens.) He came out with shining armour...........except the blade. Sanjar asked me to sacrifice him and I told him to ____ off.
There is an idea floating around about top tiered troops being promoted into bodyguards. That would be cewl...
argentfan said:
Better idea for Ivor, get a warhammer, track ivor down, and hit him over the head, keep him in prisoners tell he says yes.

Haha, what a quest! He's standing near the secondary ladder in Rindyar, so in theory it would be possible to sneak in and tap him on the head, before taking over the rest of the castle. But this was a pre-siege & scene game, so I'm almost sure that the two siege ladders won't be present for that game.

If there was one ladder, I'd have to attack with only infantry, wielding blunts, and hope for the best, right?  :razz:
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